Eclectic Tech Carnival - Ausgebucht! Bitte nur angemeldet kommen.

Computer Hardware Crash Course
07.06.2024 , NewYorck Room 2
Sprache: English

I would like to present the first course developed by the Genderchangers, one that I have given at almost every /ETC. It's taking apart a computer / laptop and putting it back together again.

During the course we will feel and see the processor, memory and storage. It's all about understanding how a computer works. It's hands-on, stuff may break but it's fun!

I can accommodate 8 to 16 (FLINTA) people. We wil need 4 to 8 computers to take apart and a whiteboard for me to scribble on. Participants need to bring along some screwdrivers, a torch and paper and pencils.

Für welches Niveau ist deine Session gedacht?:


Was sollte man zur Session mitbringen?:

screwdrivers, small heads, flat, philips, torx etc. If you have and old desktop, please bring it too. Pen and paper, torch

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