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Computer Hardware Crash Course
07.06.2024 , NewYorck Room 2
Sprache: English

I would like to present the first course developed by the Genderchangers, one that I have given at almost every /ETC. It's taking apart a computer / laptop and putting it back together again.

During the course we will feel and see the processor, memory and storage. It's all about understanding how a computer works. It's hands-on, stuff may break but it's fun!

I can accommodate 8 to 16 (FLINTA) people. We wil need 4 to 8 computers to take apart and a whiteboard for me to scribble on. Participants need to bring along some screwdrivers, a torch and paper and pencils.

Für welches Niveau ist deine Session gedacht?


Was sollte man zur Session mitbringen?

screwdrivers, small heads, flat, philips, torx etc. If you have and old desktop, please bring it too. Pen and paper, torch

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