Eclectic Tech Carnival - Ausgebucht! Bitte nur angemeldet kommen.

Breathing Data
07.06.2024 , NewYorck Room 2
Sprache: English

Breathing Data is based on a self-experiment. The subject of the study is my body –and mind– the artist researcher conducting the project. Over the course of several months, I have performed daily breathing exercises and collected my body data using various sensor technologies. Starting point was the assumption that a measurable improvement of body-related data such as heart rate, HRV, breathing rate and quality of sleep occurs through the regular and conscious application of the exercises. The research process is guided by the questions of whether and how daily collection of body data changes one's behavior, whether and how daily practice is reflected in the data, and whether data-based practice fundamentally has more positive or negative effects.

I'm interested in sharing my experiences with self-tracking and discussing my project. Do others have experiences in the field? Does anybody work with breathing techniques? How does my dialogue with the data contribute to improve my life? Or does self-tracking just feed feed surveillance capitalism? What are technical options beyond corporate design? How can the project open up to become a collective seeting?

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Artist, researcher and writer based in Berlin. Pioneer of net-based art and cyberfeminism. Founder of Old Boys Network and #purplenoise. Together with Winnie Soon in the team of generator.