Eclectic Tech Carnival - Ausgebucht! Bitte nur angemeldet kommen.

Internet Governance and DEI
05.06.2024 , NewYorck Room 1
Sprache: English

RIPE Community is involved in Internet Governance of the technical aspects: numbering, routing, implementing new protocols (IPv6, RPKI, DNSSEC...).

Technical Internet standards organisations & Internet Governance bodies (IETF, RIPE, ICANN...) decide on technology built today & used in the future - but they are mostly filled with cis-male, old, WEIRD (White, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, "Democratic") people. In order to make future technologies that contribute to justice & co-liberation, we have to take a critical look at the power structures, and DEI initiatives (diversity/equity/inclusion) are one way of making changes.

My presentation will be in 3 parts: an introduction on the basics of global Internet Governance, how to take part in the RIPE Community, and what are the challenges to diversity/equity/inclusion.

Here is a personal page for similar presentations I gave in the past:

@APC we are interested in understanding and discuss the challenges of accountability and support within activist networks and multi-stakeholder spaces, focusing on how historical power dynamics and legacies influence the interactions within networks and the effectiveness of these movements.
What are the different dimensions of accountability in activist collectives, including ethical responsibilities, transparency, and the mechanisms to enforce them within a globally diverse network.

Für welches Niveau ist deine Session gedacht?:


Was sollte man zur Session mitbringen?:

Nothing is required; optional: paper & pencil for taking notes (but the slides will be published too!)

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