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Upgrading Feminist Ninja
08.06.2024 , NewYorck Room 1
Sprache: English

It's been two years since we published "Feminist Ninja: upgrading intersectional feminism with the hacker class" for the TransHackFeminist Convergence. It is a video essay in three parts: "Evolution of feminist cyborgs", "Political economy of hacking. Vectoralism and hackers as a class" and "Hacker feminism at the intersection". Since then, we were involved with the feminist federation project of Systerserver, installing Peertube servers in Barcelona and Berlin. Meanwhile big news stories broke out, related to the topics we covered in "Feminist Ninja", such as the unleashing of ChatGPT, acquisition of Twitter, overturning of Roe v. Wade, etc. In the light of these news, we propose to watch "Feminist Ninja" again and expand the discussion with the inclusion of some concepts like differential opposition, psychedelics under vectoralism and mycorrhiza as a metaphor for revolutionary organization. Join us in this friendly conversation and let's talk about how to form an anarcha-feminist mycorrhiza for a psyborg hacker revolution.

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