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Digital abortion services in Germany
06.06, 11:00–11:30 (Europe/Berlin), NewYorck Room 1
Sprache: English

Access to abortion providers in Germany is restricted, especially in the southern states, e.g. Bayern. Many abortion seekers must therefore travel long distances to get to an abortion clinic, sometimes not able to choose their preferred method. We started the project "Schwangerschaftsabbruch Zuhause" in 2020 to overcome such barriers by providing medication abortion via telemedicine. Telemedical services are new in Germany, but internationally known as a safe alternative method for abortion care.
Access to neutral and medically correct information on abortion is also not so easy to find online. Our digital app "Alli" (still under development) wants to inform, empower and care for those who are going through a medication abortion. The app will guide their users through the process of having their abortion at home and help with any questions about bleeding, side effects, complications etc.

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I am a Berlin-based doctor, abortion provider and co-founder of the NGO "Doctors for Choice Germany" trying to improve reproductive health & rights in Germany. I work on both mentioned projects "Schwangerschaftsabbruch Zuhause" and the app "Alli".