Eclectic Tech Carnival - Ausgebucht! Bitte nur angemeldet kommen.

06.06.2024 , NewYorck Room 1
Sprache: English

What are Feminist Severs? Can we resist the production model of digital technologies and their exploitation of people, resources and bodily territories. What are our technofeminist needs and desires? How do we sustain our praxis?

This open session is a meetup for cyber/techno/transhack/*feminist infrastructures and their 'services'.
The sessions is hosted by Newbies, experienced or advanced servers or system administrators, join us!

Für welches Niveau ist deine Session gedacht?:


Was sollte man zur Session mitbringen?:

what you imagine to be related

Mara Karagianni is a software artist and developer. Their work involves computational
and analog media for publishing, generative zines with Python programming, and writing
about gender issues around Free and Open Source Software communities. They are part of
Systerserver, a feminist queer server collective.

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(pronoun: we) is a transuniversal constellation that initiates, mediates and facilitates, curates and appropriates projects, abducing thought, reflection and praxis on relevant societal issues. Their 'open' network is the base for [intra-actions] and for inspiring participatory processes, mutual learning and collective emancipation. is hosted by Marthe Van Dessel, a performer, technofeminist sysadmin, and multidisciplinary artivist who creates interfaces, devices, and protocols to instigate our urban and institutional hardware.

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helen varley jamieson is a writer, theatre practitioner and digital artist with a long involvement in feminist and open source projects and networks. She holds a Master of Arts (Research) investigating cyberformance - live performance on the internet – which she has practiced since 1999, and she has been part of the artist-led cyberformance platform UpStage since its inception in 2003. This led to her participation in open source communities including FLOSS Manuals and the Libre Graphics Meeting. Her affiliations include the Eclectic Tech Carnival and Systerserver, Faces (network of women in new media) and the Magdalena Project (network of women in contemporary theatre).

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Technologist, now organizing projects at the Tor project

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