05.06.2024 –, NewYorck Room 2
Sprache: English
A playful moment in which participants present themselves/their praxis by showing their desktop environment. By orientating collectively in each others ‘mirror’ and ‘screened’ [Graphical] User Interfaces, we navigate together current workflows, shortcuts, tools/software, projects, and get to know each other practice.
Was sollte man zur Session mitbringen?:laptop
(pronoun: we) is a transuniversal constellation that initiates, mediates and facilitates, curates and appropriates projects, abducing thought, reflection and praxis on relevant societal issues. Their 'open' network is the base for [intra-actions] and for inspiring participatory processes, mutual learning and collective emancipation.
https://www.ooooo.be is hosted by Marthe Van Dessel, a performer, technofeminist sysadmin, and multidisciplinary artivist who creates interfaces, devices, and protocols to instigate our urban and institutional hardware.