Eclectic Tech Carnival - Ausgebucht! Bitte nur angemeldet kommen.

Writing A Fucking Femual
07.06.2024 , NewYorck Room 3
Sprache: English

Tired: Read The Fucking Manual
Wired: Writing A Fucking Femual

The femual project started from simple wishes:
- being able to reply "Read the Fucking Femual" to FLOSS-dudes who need to be explained their misbehavior or gender oppression in general ;
- we cyberqueers and feminists have so many resources to share ;
- man pages are the worst example of pedagogy.
Thus, we propose fem: a cyber/transfeminist documentation platform, a simple GNU package to gather a whole lot of disseminated and precious resources.

Let's compile it together!

Für welches Niveau ist deine Session gedacht?:


Was sollte man zur Session mitbringen?:

a computer, notes or references

(radio) hacker, trainer, writer, performer: call her transmitter!

Yt transister, nerd bitch and barmaid of the hacqueen house of Hackstub, a hackerspace based in Strasbourg, France.
