Eclectic Tech Carnival - Ausgebucht! Bitte nur angemeldet kommen.

Simple intro to simple beats - Live coding with Tidal Cycles
08.06.2024 , NewYorck Heart of Code Space
Sprache: English

Live coding is the art of programming music live in front of an audience. It's less scary than you think and a lot of fun! We'll be using the new browser-based environment of the Tidal Cycles live coding environment called Strudel, so we don't have to install anything! We'll take it slow and look at the most basic patterns to make beats. Bring your headphones!

Für welches Niveau ist deine Session gedacht?:


Was sollte man zur Session mitbringen?:

Headphones and your own laptop

lislis is a creative technologist based in Berlin interested in interactive and playful media.

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