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Hacking Menopause
07.06.2024 , NewYorck Room 3
Sprache: English

I have noticed that more & more of my fellow "women in tech" are aging into the life-phase known as "menopause".

In this workshop, I want to have a group discussion to explore challenges & joys of menopause. I'd like us to share tips&tricks, and collectively generate knowledge, that will be primarily useful to us - but might result in some resources to publish, too.

Although my personal experience is as a cis-woman, I would specifically like to invite trans-gender-hackers to share the experiences of DIY hormonal therapies.

I do not want to "teach" : my role is to be a workshop facilitator & to make it possible to pluck the berries of our collective creativity.

Description of the proposed methods & additional resources are on this wiki:

Für welches Niveau ist deine Session gedacht?:


Technologist, now organizing projects at the Tor project

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