(radio) hacker, trainer, writer, performer: call her transmitter!
Yt transister, nerd bitch and barmaid of the hacqueen house of Hackstub, a hackerspace based in Strasbourg, France.
Mastodon: @adalanerd@eldritch.cafe
- Writing A Fucking Femual

Agnese Trocchi (Rome, Italy) writer, artist and social media manager. Trainer and teacher mentor in digital didactic at national level in Italy, she comes from a media-hacking background (Candida TV 1999/2003). In 2017 she co-founded the interdisciplinary research group C.I.R.C.E. to promote a self-aware approach to technology and social networks using the hacker pedagogy method. She runs workshop and laboratories for kids, adults and affinity groups to “follow the threads of our connections”, to uncover the hidden elements of everyday digital automatism and to invent together new procedures for an ecological relationship with machines. She is Digital Communication Manager at Disruption Network Lab
- Internet, Mon Amour and the hacker pedagogy method

- Upgrading Feminist Ninja
Former translator of books and essays about media, art, culture, technology and philosophy, liberated from other people's deadlines (i.e. retired) in 2018. /etc participant and co-organizer since about 20 years.
- Explaining How the Internet Works

My name is Alice (they/he) and I am currently a researcher at Institute of Network Cultures in Amsterdam. I am also currently a participant in Voices of Makers, a digital mapping program coordinated by The Hmm and DEN Institute of Culture and Knowledge, focused on mapping digital cultural spaces for digital transformation of cultural institutions in The Netherlands.
I am an Anthropology graduate, Digital Humanities student and Design enthusiast. My research areas are located at the intersection of technology and culture, I am interested in new media, computer graphics, usability, cultural analytics, creative coding, digital culture. I like to apply visual methodologies, computational methods and interactivity to cultural scenarios, artifacts, domains.
- Collaboratory Creative Coding Jam with Hydra Video Synth

I've been part of Berlin's digital rights community for 20+ years, used to work in an international NGO that focused on digital security for some years, and then as a policy advisor on the Snowden revelations and then more generally on digital policy in the German parliament for the past ten years. I'm currently freelancing.
As an activist I co-founded the German Indymedia website in 2001 and a project to increase diversity at tech and other conferences. The first /etc I participated in was the one in Linz in 2007 (I think).
- Tech-based gender specific violence
- The /etc, from Herstory to Ourstory
- Smelling interepidermis : smelling salivas

Bruixes Lab is a nomadic lab where biohacking and witchcraft rituals are performed to
create speculative scenarios about intimacy, pleasure and to destigmatize taboos around sexuality. An interactive space where intimate biotechnology, kinky, transfeminist and DIY practices intertwine in symbiosis with biophilia and bodily fluids. Bruixes Lab are by Cristina Dezi and Giulia Tomasello.
- Hack Eroticism

The artworks of Claire Williams take the form of woven antennas, glass sculptures filled with plasma or devices that sense the invisible. Data of radiotelescopes and radio scanners materialise themselves in knitted stitches, sound vibrations or through luminous plasma. She sculpts her electronic components to make visible the electromagnetic movements from the cosmos, through our magnetosphere, to radio waves that cross our terrestrial environment or the ones emanating from our bodies and psychic activity. She is currently exploring in a duo « The Æthers » which collects and reactivate practices of the invisibles found in the archives of experimental and occult sciences of the 19th and 20th century.
- Dowsing in the wirelessness

Artist, researcher and writer based in Berlin. Pioneer of net-based art and cyberfeminism. Founder of Old Boys Network and #purplenoise. Together with Winnie Soon in the team of net.art generator.
- Breathing Data
Cypher Sex is a queer feminist collective aimed at empowering LGBTQ* people, women, and sex workers in their use of online services and digital tools through workshops, guides, and personalized consultancies. https://cyphersex.org
- HOW TO CYPHER SEX: A Manual for Collective Digital Self-Defense Guides

A tech generalist interested in many topics with a soft spot for open source, diversity and inclusion, and worker rights.
- Layoffs! What can we do?
- Computer Hardware Crash Course
- Qubes for Queers! managing our digital identities
Technologist, now organizing projects at the Tor project
- Hacking Menopause
- Hands on setting up onion services
- Hands on setting up Tor relays and bridges
- Consensual network analisys and forensics of smartphones
- Open Space on Digital Colonialism

helen varley jamieson is a writer, theatre practitioner and digital artist with a long involvement in feminist and open source projects and networks. She holds a Master of Arts (Research) investigating cyberformance - live performance on the internet – which she has practiced since 1999, and she has been part of the artist-led cyberformance platform UpStage since its inception in 2003. This led to her participation in open source communities including FLOSS Manuals and the Libre Graphics Meeting. Her affiliations include the Eclectic Tech Carnival and Systerserver, Faces (network of women in new media) and the Magdalena Project (network of women in contemporary theatre).
- UpStage UpDate
- Data scraping with R
- Digital censorship of abortion
- Voice exploration
- Digital violence in intimate relationships - First steps to stop it
- Hands on setting up onion services
- Hands on setting up Tor relays and bridges

Juli Laczkó is an Amsterdam-based media artist and critical maker whose work appeared internationally from Leipzig, Vienna, Budapest, Zagreb, Bratislava to Istanbul and Nevada in group- and solo exhibitions. Her latest exhibition, 'Where we're at', explores the patterns of scavenging e-waste. Her research is informed by the intersection of visual arts and hacker culture. Her monograph titled ‘The Art of Hacking: Strategic Interactions between Hacker Culture and Visual Arts’ was published in 2021. She teaches at HKU's Image and Media Technology program.
- Webmachine presentation and discussion
- Layoffs! What can we do?
- afk-playshop

I am a Berlin-based doctor, abortion provider and co-founder of the NGO "Doctors for Choice Germany" trying to improve reproductive health & rights in Germany. I work on both mentioned projects "Schwangerschaftsabbruch Zuhause" and the app "Alli".
- Digital abortion services in Germany

lislis is a creative technologist based in Berlin interested in interactive and playful media.
- Singstar Karaoke
- Simple intro to simple beats - Live coding with Tidal Cycles

- Let's bash together

In 2020, we began our collaboration, driven by the curiosity to explore and share erotic practices in expanded scenic formats.
In 2021, with the creation grant from the National Art Fund we developed our first performance "practices of survival". The piece with a duration of 45 minutes fuses contemporary dance and shibari practices.
As duo we participated in numerous queer festivals and gatherings around Buenos Aires and Cordoba, performing a range of shorter shows and formats. We form part of the staff of @lesbiclubb - the first queer strip club in Buenos Aires.
In 2023 we shared expanded our practice in Berlin with the support of the National Art Fund. We participated in the Xplore Festival with a workshop on "Collective Mummification" and at the Festival Bucht der Träumer with our piece "Practices for Survival". In Berlin we showed various performances in queer cultural art spaces such as Schwuz and Pangaea Cabaret at Crack Bellmers amongst others.
In 2024 we have been selected by Observatorio del Placer (Bcn) for an artistic residency. This new project sensually conspires with plants and eroticizes the care of the living to conjure other possible worlds. Dedication to exploring and sharing our practices of critical pleasures and dissident eroticism continues to be the driving force behind our work. We are excited to continue creating and expanding critical pleasures in our community.
- Sensual plant guerrilla
Creative technologist and artist. Currently employed by a public library in Berlin. Community enthusiast and pilgrim hiker. Always brings some glitter! ✨✨✨
- Furious drawing for curious minds
Mara Karagianni is a software artist and developer. Their work involves computational
and analog media for publishing, generative zines with Python programming, and writing
about gender issues around Free and Open Source Software communities. They are part of
Systerserver, a feminist queer server collective.
- Queering Bash
- 3 x 3 minutes
- 3 x 3 minutes
- Qubes for Queers! managing our digital identities

server witch, activist, writer, musician, cyberpunk. tomboy in the body of a femme.
they/them or she/her
- How to setup a mail server
- led earring soldering

(pronoun: we) is a transuniversal constellation that initiates, mediates and facilitates, curates and appropriates projects, abducing thought, reflection and praxis on relevant societal issues. Their 'open' network is the base for [intra-actions] and for inspiring participatory processes, mutual learning and collective emancipation.
https://www.ooooo.be is hosted by Marthe Van Dessel, a performer, technofeminist sysadmin, and multidisciplinary artivist who creates interfaces, devices, and protocols to instigate our urban and institutional hardware.
- desktop association
- 3 x 3 minutes
- 3 x 3 minutes
- Layoffs! What can we do?
- patch as unit of work
- a moment of collective rest
Multi-media artist and micro-activist, based in Berlin.
Read about my work here:
- How to Listen to Music?

In the past, Ulrike worked as a developer on Debian and Tails, and provided Holistic Security to medical abortion grassroots organizations in 20+ African countries. She currently works as a graphic designer and illustrator with a focus on internet infrastructures. Together with ARTICLE 19 and her co-authors, she published "How the Internet Really Works. An illustrated guide to protocols, privacy, censorship, and governance." The book has been translated into 5 other languages besides English and is archived in Github's technology library in Svalbard/Norway.
- Let's imagine/map/draw a feminist internet!

I'm a DevOps Engineer with 8 years of experience and also a libfem. I have recently moved to Berlin to work for Aware (aware.app), a Berlin-based healthcare startup. I moved from Tbilisi, Georgia, where I spent 2+ years actively participating in horizontal initiatives, like F0rthspace hackerspace (f0rth.space). Also I took part in creation of online DevOps courses.
I have a lot of diverse experience working as a DevOps engineer and I like to share it for educational purpose.
- Nagellack and Git flavors

- Hacking Menopause
- Internet Governance and DEI
Winnie Soon is a Hong Kong-born artist coder and researcher interested in the cultural implications of digital infrastructure that addresses wider power asymmetries with a particular interest in computational publishing, code and software. Their artistic and scholarly works engage with themes such as Free and Open Source Culture, Coding Otherwise, artistic/technical manuals, digital censorship and minor technology. With works appearing in museums, galleries, festivals, distributed networks, papers and alternative written forms, including co-authored books titled Boundary Images (2023), Fix My Code (2021), and Aesthetic Programming (2020). Winnie is the co-editor of the Software Studies Book Series (MIT Press), Co-PI of the research project Digital Activism and co-research lead, British Digital Art, British Art Network. Artistically, Winnie received the Golden Nica at Ars Electronica (Artificial Intelligence and Life Art Category), the Expanded Media Award for Network Culture at Stuttgarter Filmwinter — Festival for Expanded Media, WRO 2019 Media Art Biennale Award, and the 26th and 17th ifva awards (Special Mention and Silver award). Currently, they are Associate Professor of Art and Technology at UCL - Slade School of Fine Art, Associate Professor (on leave) at Aarhus University and visiting researcher at the Centre of the Study of the Networked Image (CSNI), London South Bank University. More info: www.siusoon.net
- Queering Bash