
Hands-on Evaluation of ERC-20 Tokens with ERCx
2023-09-16 , Lincoln Stage ( Builder / Legal)

ERCx evaluates ERC (Ethereum Request for Comments) token implementation, either deployed or using their source code. During this workshop, we will focus on the ERC-20 standard and the comprehensive test suite (100+ tests) of ERCx. Participants will get familiar with how they can use ERCx to evaluate existing ERC-20 tokens and test their own implementations of ERC-20 tokens. We will briefly overview how to use the interfaces offered by ERCx. Then, the participants will be offered the following hands-on activities:

  1. Test your favorite token. In this activity, participants will select some of the tokens they are familiar with and run the ERC-20 test suite on them. Participants will learn how to read and interpret the generated reports.

  2. Find the bug in some ERC-20 tokens. In this activity, participants will be presented with buggy source code implementations of ERC-20 tokens. Participants will exploit the reports generated by ERCx to find the bugs, fix them, and ensure the patched implementations are correct.

  3. Test a list of tokens. In this activity, participants will use ERCx open API to test lists of tokens by automatically querying ERCx reports. Participants will learn how to create their own list of tokens and how to query reports in batches.

See also:

Ylies Falcone is passionate about designing, implementing, integrating, and delivering methods and tools that help guarantee programs are safe and secure. He has more than 15 years of contributions to formal methods and software engineering, co-authoring more than 100 research papers in conferences, journals, and books. He enjoys solving problems, turning ideas into solutions, and mentoring engineers. Yliès also holds an associate Professor position at Univ. Grenoble Alpes (France).

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