EuropeanaTech 2023

EuropeanaTech 2023

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Alberto Sánchez
  • From Shelf To Europeana
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Albert Sierra

Albert Sierra is the Head of New Technologies in the Cultural Heritage Agency of Catalonia. For the last 15 years he has worked in the intersections of storytelling, cultural heritage and technologies. He is one of the directors of the awarded mapping #taull1123 and coordinator of Ullastret 3D, an immersive experience and VR project. He now runs Giravolt, a program that aims to foster the use of 3D technologies in the cultural heritage sector in Catalonia.

  • Roman complex of Centcelles: from the 3D scanning to the VR experience
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Anabel de la Paz Gonzalez

Anabel de la Paz is an ancient book librarian and works with heritage collections. She specialises in cataloguing and organising collections formed during colonisation in the Philippine Archipelago. She has collaborated on and created several catalogues of the collections of the University of Sant Tomàs (Philippines) and is currently the head of Archive, Library and Heritage at Teatre Lliure in Barcelona.

  • How to archive a theatre instant: The Arxiu Lliure of the Teatre Lliure
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Andrea Stern
  • Diverse, open and ethical cultural data in the era of machine learning
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Andriana Nikolaidou
  • Codifying an artist's studio: an ontological approach to the documentation and analysis of artistic space and process
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Andrija Sagic
  • From Shelf To Europeana
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Anna Danylchuk
  • From Shelf To Europeana
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Anne McLaughlin

Anne joined the Royal Society in May 2022 as the Project Manager for Phase II of Science in the Making. She has previously held positions at the National Gallery (London), the Parker Library and Senate House Library following the completion of her PhD at the Warburg Institute. She currently is the Digitisation Services Manager for the Library and Archives of Trinity College, Cambridge and is interested in libraries, old books, and new technologies.

  • Science in the Making: enabling access to the archives of the Royal Society, London.
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Anthony Corns
  • From Shelf To Europeana
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Béatrice Gauvain

Béatrice Gauvain completed her Masters in Art History and Image Theory at the University of Basel, specialising in the mediality of sacred objects. She collaborated on exhibition projects and further pursued her interest in curation when she joined the Kunstmuseum Winterthur in 2019. Working closely with the curators, she became aware of the challenges of transitioning collections into the digital space. As PhD candidate and teaching assistant at the Digital Humanities Lab, she focuses on digital collections, in particular knowledge management and curation.

  • From fragmented histories to virtual realms: managing uncertainties in immersive cultural heritage experiences
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Ben Rubinstein
  • A three-legged stool: analysing archive material using Machine Learning, bespoke programming, and human effort in combination
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Chris Dijkshoorn

Since June 2019 Chris Dijkshoorn has been the head of the Collection IT department at the Rijksmuseum. Before that, he worked as data manager at the museum. He implemented the Accurator nichesourcing platform as part of his PhD at the User Centric Data Science group at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Doing research at the Rijksmuseum, British Museum and the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision provided valuable insights in the requirements of institutions regarding Linked Data and crowdsourcing.

  • Building collection data infrastructure at the Rijksmuseum
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Dominik Ukolov

Dominik Ukolov is a musicologist and doctoral researcher at Leipzig University, where he taught as a tutor for electroacoustics, followed by research activities in the TASTEN and DISKOS projects.
He specializes in the multimodal virtualization of historical musical instruments and received several scholarships from the German National Academic Foundation, most recently for his PhD Project MODAVIS, which focuses on pipe organs and the development of the Virtual Acoustic Object standard. He is currently a research assistant at the Research Center DIGITAL ORGANOLOGY at the MIMUL and received the Frederick R. Selch Award by the American Musical Instrument Society in 2022.

  • Historical musical instruments as Virtual Acoustic Objects
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Eko Saputra

Eko is a PhD students concentrating on cultural heritage at the University of Teramo in Italy. He engaged in research concerning advanced digital marketing techniques that are centred in the Majolica Ceramics of Castelli. Eko's passion for cultural heritage extends beyond his scholarly endeavours. As a visual artist, he is also captivated by the intersection of cultural heritage and technology, particularly through digital arts, embracing the potential of digital innovation to engage new audiences. Eko has collaborated with significant organisations such as the Foundation La Biennale di Venezia, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, and the European Cultural Centre.

  •; Poland-Czech borderland virtual museum and exhibition
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Eleftherios Anastasovitis

Eleftherios Anastasovitis is software engineer in Pyrseia Informatics, and research assistant in Information Technologies Institute at Centre for Research and Technology Hellas. He is currently working towards his Ph.D. degree in applied informatics at University of Macedonia. He received the M.Sc. degree in cultural informatics and communication at University of the Aegean in 2014, and the M.Ed. degree in adult education at Hellenic Open University in 2017. He received the B.Sc. degree in informatics at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2005. His research interests include VR, 3D serious games, 3D graphics, creative industries, and immersive technologies.

  • Reuse of CT-scans for democratised immersive experiences through creative industries
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Eleftherios Anastasovitis
  • MuseIT - Multisensory, User-centred, Shared cultural Experiences through Interactive Technologies
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Elena Matroana Hreciuc

I am an ICT teacher, former Chemistry and Technological Education teacher, Organic Chemistry engineer. I am a passionate teacher and I am interested in giving students challenges to better develop their skills. My personal development is important and I am a tireless student. I love arts, reading and I have sung in a choir for 20 years.

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Elena Musumeci
  • Connecting and understanding European musical heritage within the Polifonia project
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Elina Argyridou

Elina received her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Brunel University London, UK (2017). Her Ph.D. research is based on finite elements methods for engineering problems in solid and structural mechanics. Her work experience and research interests include but are not limited to mathematical and computational modelling, numerical analysis, data analytics, approximation theory, informatics, data knowledge and data management.
Elina currently works as a Postdoctoral Research Associate for the project “Mnemosyne”, funded by the European Union H2020, at the newly established UNESCO and European Research Area Chairs on Digital Cultural Heritage at the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT).

  • Research approach for digital holistic documentation of cultural heritage: first steps for the creation of knowledge
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Emma Abbate

I’m a teacher of IGCSE History and  Geography in English and I have been teaching since 1998-99, I am specialized in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). I teach in Cambridge International IGCSE® High School Diaz (Caserta), I'm trainer and author of digital content and free-lance researcher. 
I am an intercultural mediator and teacher of Italian as a Second Language to adults. I cooperate with the University of Naples L’ Orientale as an expert in CLIL Masters courses and I gained specific expertise in Erasmus+ project management as coordinator of several projects funded by the EU.

  • Using AI to make silent movies in Europeana speak
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Emma Duester
  • Digital inclusion for Vietnamese cultural professionals: challenges and opportunities of representation and engagement
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Enno Meijers

Enno Meijers is an advisor at the Research Department at the National Library of the Netherlands. His main focus area is in information infrastructures and (semantic) web technologies. As a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the Dutch Digital Heritage Network (NDE), he is leading the program to improve the usability and discoverability of the Dutch heritage collections. Linked Data and distributed web technologies are the main building blocks for this infrastructure. He studied Electrical Engineering and Business Informatics and has been working in the cultural heritage and library domain for over twenty years.

  • Building the common European data space for cultural heritage
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Erik van Vliet

Erik van Vliet works as advisor at Erfgoed Gelderland. Erik specialises in interactive media solutions and helps museums with the transition to a more interactive and digital way of storytelling. Think digital tours, apps, serious games and virtual and augmented reality.

Erfgoed Gelderland is a cooperation of heritage institutions (200+ members) in the Dutch province of Gelderland funded by the regional administration.

  • A story about time traveling, 3D replicas and VR
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Ewa Majdecka

Ewa Majdecka – sociologist, researcher and manager of digital products. At the Center of Community Archives, he manages the Digital Tools Development Department, which maintains and develops the Open Archiving System, including the Community Collections portal.

  • Community Collections - how to make local cultural heritage recognised and valued?
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Fellegi Zsófia
  • Costume designs of the Hungarian State Theatre of Cluj in the ITIdata Semantic Database
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Frank Drauschke
  • Transcribathon - Citizen science combined with HTR and semantic enrichments
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Frederike van Ouwerkerk

Frederike van Ouwerkerk studied (art)history and public history.
She worked as an museum educator and consultant. Now she is a senior lecturer in tourism, culture and communication and researcher for the professorship of digital transformation in cultural tourism at Breda University of Applied Sciences.

  • Explore, Engage, Experience: a location-based game to raise awareness about the life and values of St Martin
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Gabriele Aroni

Dr Gabriele Aroni is Senior Lecturer at the School of Digital Arts of Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. Trained as an architect, he pursued his studies in digital media communication. His research is situated at the intersection of cultural heritage, game studies, architecture, and semiotics. He is the author of “The Semiotics of Architecture in Video Games” and “Gli ordini architettonici di San Lorenzo a Firenze 1420-1490”. Amongst his publications “Vitruvian Proportions in the Design of the Architectural Orders of the Basilica of San Lorenzo” (Annali di Architettura) and “The Architecture of Assassin’s Creed II’s Florence” (Well Played).

  • Experiencing cultural heritage in digital games: possibilities and pitfalls
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Gerd Müller

Software Architect, Culture Enthusiast, Open Source Lover

Since my youth I am enthusiastic about the possibilities offered by software development. For 15 years, I work as a developer, software-architect and trainer. In the context of the Coding da Vinci cultural hackathon (2018-2022) I expanded my skills in a creative diverse environment. Since 2022, I use my expertise for my job as software developer at the Leipzig University Library as in my company, Digitalwarenkombinat, which is dedicated to the creative use of open cultural data and develops web applications with GLAM institutions under the motto „Shaping digital worlds together“.

  • Plantala - Julala - Yourlala - Media Station as a Service
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Gerrit Gragert

M.A. LIS and Computer Science. Team lead "IT Services for the Digital Library" at Berlin State Library. My Field of work are all electronic ressources of the State Library of any kind (on- and off premise) and supporting the Digital library technically. Also lecturer at the Institute for Library- and Information Science of the HU Berlin.

  • From people reading to machines learning - how Gaia-x enables digital cultural heritage: a field report
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Giacomo Alliata

Giacomo Alliata is a PhD student at EPFL's Laboratory of Experimental Museology, where he specialises in using cutting-edge technologies to create interactive and innovative ways to approach cultural and heritage collections. He combines human-computer interaction, data visualisation, theories of embodiment and the use of immersive environments to place visitors inside cultural archives. Giacomo has developed various installations for exploring audiovisual and mixed-media archives, which have been showcased in exhibitions in Lausanne, Switzerland.

  • A novel experience of embodied knowledge archives through AI
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Giacomo Nanni
  • Linked cultural data in fashion history: information visualisation as an explorative and narrative tool
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Giles Bergel
  • Opportunities and Challenges in the Adoption of AI Technologies in the Cultural Heritage Domain
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Gustavo Candela

Gustavo Candela is a member of the IT department at the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes since 2010. His main areas of research interest are Semantic Web and Collections as Data. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Alicante where he has been an associate professor since 2016. He authored several publications and is involved in the integration and quality of LOD in libraries. He has also worked with Collections as Data and Jupyter Notebooks. He is involved in the International GLAM Labs Community and he co-authored the Open a GLAM Lab book.

  • Assessing the quality of LOD in GLAM institutions
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Hans Viborg Kristensen
  • Engagement of volunteers in digitisation of biodiversity data at European natural history museums
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Hatice Kırmacı :She was born in Turkey .She graduated from the Faculty of Education University of
Samsun on May 19 of Turkey in 1993. Since then , she has been working as a Physics Teacher in high
schools in Turkey .(She is working Korkmaz Yigit Anatolian High School-Besiktas )
She is also founder of “WomenScienceTeachers” social portal .(Facebook and Twitter ) scienceteachers Kırmacı

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Henk Alkemade

Trained as a physical geographer, Henk started working in IT as a programmer, designer, analyst and as IT-manager, before making the switch to specialist (pre-)historical landscapes at the National Heritage Agenct of the Netherlands. Henk retired in November 2022 and started to work as dep. operations manager for CARARE. Henk is Chair of the Steering Group of the Europeana TECH community since February 2022.

  • From Shelf To Europeana
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Henk Vanstappen

Henk Vanstappen is co-owner of Datable, whose mission is to help heritage institutions better manage, enrich, publish and preserve their digital collections. He has a master in History and Information Sciences and was a technical partner in a.o. Europeana Fashion, Crafted and AI4Culture.

  • Tailoring image enhancement: selecting optimal SR models for different image types
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Ilias Kyriazis

Ilias Kyriazis ( is data curator at UCLAB / Fachhochschule Potsdam, working on the project "Restaging Fashion" in collaboration with the Berlin State Museums. He holds degrees in musicology from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), information science from Indiana University Bloomington (USA), and digital media from School of Fine Arts Bremen (Germany). He worked as information scientist at the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (Cultural Hackathon Coding da Vinci), Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln, Athens Concert Hall, and Hellenic-American Institute. His activities concentrate on information visualization, open GLAM data, and new technologies.

  • Linked cultural data in fashion history: information visualisation as an explorative and narrative tool
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Ina Blümel

Ina is professor for Linked Data in Information Science at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HsH). She carries out experimental research at the Open Science Lab of the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB). Her fields of interest are open, collaborative knowledge creation and its interplay with machine-based methods, information modeling and contextualization. She is co-spokesperson of the German national research data infrastructure project NFDI4Culture and spokesperson of several third party funded projects in the field of openGLAM.

  • Community heritage archives
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Jan Zimpel
  • Scaling local culture globally
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Joop Vanderheiden
  • CHAS: evaluating and analysing cultural heritage collections in one go
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Jörg Lehmann
  • Diverse, open and ethical cultural data in the era of machine learning
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Kanika Makhija

Kanika Makhija is a multifaceted professional, seamlessly blending her roles as an artist, researcher, and professor. With a master's degree in Visual Arts and a B.F.A. in Painting, her expertise in printmaking complements her deep understanding of visual language and passion for popular culture. With a strong research background, she has independently and collaboratively tackled projects encompassing cultural heritage, material history, consumer history, and media practices. As an Assistant Professor at Atlas Skilltech University, she inspires aspiring designers to explore new perspectives through research, history, and drawing, fostering critical observation and innovative design thinking.

  • Evaluating the user experience and annotation framework of 'Interwoven': enhancing digital storytelling and engagement with cultural heritage
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Kata Dobás

I graduated from the Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Loránd University in 2008
Hungarian Language and Literature and Comparative Literature. In 2015
I defended my doctoral thesis as a student of the Romanticism Doctoral Programme in 2015.
From 2010 to 2017 I worked at the Dezső Kosztolányi
of Kosztolányi's critical criticism, where I compiled a bibliography of Kosztolányi's newspaper articles. I am currently working on the development of the ITIdata semantic database. My publication list is available here:,desc&cond=authors;eq;10019111

  • Costume designs of the Hungarian State Theatre of Cluj in the ITIdata Semantic Database
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Katerina Zourou

Katerina Zourou, Ph.D, is a recognised researcher in the area of technology-enhanced education, focusing on open and social learning. She has co-authored one scholar book, three journal special issues and more than 30 peer reviewed papers at international journals and conference proceedings.

Katerina Zourou is Head of Web2Learn in Greece. She acts as project leader or partner in transnational projects funded by the Council of Europe, the European Commission, and national funds. She also gives lectures at Universities, including the Hellenic Open University, the University of Luxembourg and the University of Grenoble Alpes.

  • Combining space and citizen-generated data for cultural heritage under threat
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Kerstin Arnold

I have been working in the archives domain for more than 15 years, after initially starting my career in public relations and editing. During this time, I have gained expertise in a variety of areas, from records management and transfer of born-digital materials via standardisation and interoperability to aggregation of cultural heritage metadata on national, international and cross-domain levels. In the latter context, I have been collaborating with Europeana in various roles since 2010. I currently act as the vice-chair of the Europeana Aggregators Forum.

  • Building the common European data space for cultural heritage
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Kerstin Herlt
  • Diverse, open and ethical cultural data in the era of machine learning
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Konstantinos Sismanis
  • Tailoring image enhancement: selecting optimal SR models for different image types
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Leticia Crespillo Marí
  • The O grupo do Leão VR – seed project: exploring the inclusion of blind people in museums through an immersive virtual experience
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Manos Roumeliotis

He holds a Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and an MS and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Engineering from Virginia Tech, USA. He taught as an Assistant Professor in the ECE Department of WVU. He is now a Professor in the Department of Applied Informatics at the University of Macedonia, Greece, where he is Directing the CNST Lab. His interests include digital logic simulation, computer architecture and parallel processing, VR, and ancient technology, having created the first ever animations of the Antikythera Mechanism. He has published more than 120 papers in journals and conference proceedings.

  • Reuse of CT-scans for democratised immersive experiences through creative industries
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Manuel Herranz
  • Opportunities and Challenges in the Adoption of AI Technologies in the Cultural Heritage Domain
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Marco Rendina
  • Tailoring image enhancement: selecting optimal SR models for different image types
  • Opportunities and Challenges in the Adoption of AI Technologies in the Cultural Heritage Domain
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Marco Streefkerk
  • Anne Frank Knowledge Base: explore new ways of working with research results.
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Marie-Véronique Leroi

Marie-Véronique Leroi is in charge of the Linked Open Data strategy in the French Ministère de la Culture. She is a project manager in the Department of digital for transformation for cultural policies and data management in the Ministry of Culture. She has a background on linguistics and natural language processing (NLP). She is now responsible for updating and implementing the national strategy on semantic web for cultural data. She is the representative of France in CEDCHE expert group of the European Commission. She is currently the chair of the Europeana Aggregators' Forum.

  • Building the common European data space for cultural heritage
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Marko Knepper

Marko Knepper is head of the Digital Library Services department of the University Library Mainz. He graduated from the University of Göttingen after studying physics and computer science. Earlier positions include the Hessian State Library in Wiesbaden and the University Library Frankfurt am Main. He is involved in various digitisation and aggregation projects where his focus is on the modeling and enrichment of metadata in order to improve the visibility and usability of content.

  • Scaling local culture globally
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Mia Ridge

Dr Mia Ridge is the British Library’s Digital Curator for Western Heritage Collections. Part of the Digital Research team, she provides advice and training on computational research, AI / machine learning and crowdsourcing. A Co-Investigator on Living with Machines (2018-23), she also co-curated the Living with Machines exhibition with Leeds Museums and Galleries (2022-23).

  • Diverse, open and ethical cultural data in the era of machine learning
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Michal Teague
  • Digital inclusion for Vietnamese cultural professionals: challenges and opportunities of representation and engagement
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Mike van der Noordt
  • Augmented Reality - the camera is the new homepage
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Nasrine Olson
  • MuseIT - Multisensory, User-centred, Shared cultural Experiences through Interactive Technologies
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Nuno Freire

Nuno Freire holds a PhD in Informatics and Computer Engineering from the University of Lisbon. His main domain of interest is cultural heritage. He works within the the Europeana Foundation R&D team, with interests in data analysis, data quality, data modelling, novel methods for data aggregation and interoperability of information systems. He has been a member of the program committees of major international conferences in the area of digital libraries, such as TPDL and JCDL, and a reviewer for several international journals. He is currently a member of the Technical Review Committee of the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF).

  • Persistent identifier usage by Europeana data providers: statistics and observations on the dataset
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Odin Essers
  • Breaking down silos: transforming Maastricht University's Special Collections into Linked (Open) Data
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Orfeas Menis Mastromichalakis

Orfeas Menis - Mastromichalakis is a graduate of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). He is a Ph.D. student at the Artificial Intelligence and Learning Systems (AILS) Laboratory of NTUA, and he is also a Master's student at the "Science, Technology, and Society" MsC program of the Department of History and Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. His research interests include Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), Natural Language Processing (NLP), as well as the social impact and ethics of AI.

  • Enhancing entity disambiguation in cultural heritage data through deep learning models
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Palkó Gábor
  • Costume designs of the Hungarian State Theatre of Cluj in the ITIdata Semantic Database
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Patricia Roque Martins
  • The O grupo do Leão VR – seed project: exploring the inclusion of blind people in museums through an immersive virtual experience
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Pavel Kats
  • Building the common European data space for cultural heritage
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Peter van Kranenburg
  • Connecting and understanding European musical heritage within the Polifonia project
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Philipp Orschler
  • Establishing a 3D-digitisation process in the context of interactive museum applications - a case study
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Radoslav Markov

MR. Markov is PhD student of Audiovisual restoration and enhancement at the Bulgarian academy of sciences. He studied Economics, Sound engineering and film/TV directing. He is a voting member of SMPTE standardisation committees for video and cinema, member of French CST - high technical commission to the French Ministry of culture, Board member of edcf - He is frequently invited for presentations to international forums like IBC Amsterdam, ARRI Archival workshop, No Time to Wait and similar events focused on audiovisual. In 2016 and 2021 he is "The most innovative enterprise of the year" of the President of Bulgaria.

  • Semiautomatic, AI assisted restoration and enhancement of the archival visual content
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Raul Gomez Hernandez

Raul Gomez Hernandez is a PhD candidate in Audiovisual Communication at Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) and a PhD candidate in Education at the University of Edinburgh as part of the Una Europa Joint Doctorate in Cultural Heritage (Una-Her-Doc). Graduated in Archaeology and Master in Cultural Heritage Management, he researches on new ways of engaging young people with cultural heritage through new technologies through the Digital Heritage Education Project.

  • University student engagement through participatory design practices on digital cultural heritage: a demo from the Medialab Madrid Archive.
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Ritwika Misra
  • Evaluating the user experience and annotation framework of 'Interwoven': enhancing digital storytelling and engagement with cultural heritage
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Robert Sanderson

Robert Sanderson is the Senior Director for Digital Cultural Heritage at Yale University. He is an editor and co-chair of several foundational standards, including JSON-LD and the Web Annotation Data Model at the W3C, the various specifications published by IIIF, and the Linked Art application profile of CIDOC-CRM for semantic interoperability of cultural heritage knowledge.

  • Linking and enriching data and User Experience in LUX: Yale’s cross-collection cultural heritage discovery platform
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Ronny Maik Leder
  • Establishing a 3D-digitisation process in the context of interactive museum applications - a case study
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Ruben Schalk

Information Manager Thesauri at the Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency. Also Product Owner of the Network of Terms: a federated search engine for finding terms in terminology sources.

  • CHAS: evaluating and analysing cultural heritage collections in one go
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Sally Chambers
  • Building the common European data space for cultural heritage
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Sofie Taes
  • Opportunities and Challenges in the Adoption of AI Technologies in the Cultural Heritage Domain
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Stefan Luca
  • Diverse, open and ethical cultural data in the era of machine learning
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Steven Claeyssens
  • Diverse, open and ethical cultural data in the era of machine learning
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Susanna Ånäs

Susanna coordinates the activities of the AvoinGLAM working group of Open Knowledge Finland in Helsinki. Her work aims to facilitate representing everyone's culture and history online by addressing the ethical considerations in open online sharing, and exploring the technological mechanisms that enable the conditional open sharing of culturally sensitive materials. Image: Sebastiaan ter Burg CC BY 2.0

  • Community heritage archives
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Sven Ubik

This research has been done within the Virtual Digital Wardrobe project (TL05000298) in collaboration of CESNET, Prague City Museum, Department of Computer Graphics and Animations FEE CVUT and Improtech company. The project was supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.

  • Creating and presenting digital replicas of historical clothing
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Tatiana Brandrup

Tatiana Brandrup is a screenwriter and director of film and new media and a research professor at Film university Konrad Wolf, Babelsberg. Her artistic research focuses on the creative use of New Media Technologies in cultural heritage and in narratives related to civil society. For her award winning film Cinema: A Public Affair which premiered at the Berlinale 2015, she accompanied Naum Kleiman’s research on Sergei Eisenstein over several years. The film was shown at 28 film festivals worldwide and in theatrical distribution in Germany.

  • Eisenstein's House
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Tina Katika
  • Enhancing cultural heritage site exploration through object detection-driven augmented reality
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Tobias Hendrickx

Tobias Hendrickx has been working at MoMu since 2012, starting with the Europeana Fashion project, he is since passionate about linked open data, innovation through open source solutions, and adhering to standards.

  • Managing terminologies and thesauri with Opentheso in the TAG-project
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Tomasz Parkoła

Tomasz Parkoła is the Head of Digital Libraries and Knowledge Platforms Department at Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center where he manages research & development teams responsible for digital humanities infrastructure (, products and services for digital libraries and cultural heritage ( as well as Europeana-accredited Polish metadata aggregator FBC ( He has been involved in national and international research and development projects with main themes on data access & processing, long-term preservation, digitization workflows as well as data aggregation & interoperability (e.g. IMPACT, SCAPE, SSHOC, Europeana Cloud).

  • Event Driven Aggregation and Processing - DACE
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Tristan Roddis

Technical Director at Cogapp. Has been enjoying cultural heritage data and its digital manifestations for nearly twenty years.

  • Science in the Making: enabling access to the archives of the Royal Society, London.
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Valentine Charles
  • Diverse, open and ethical cultural data in the era of machine learning
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Vassilis Tzouvaras

Semantic Web and metadata enthusiast. Since 2002, participated in more than 25 European funded R&D projects and coordinated the development of several software platforms in the areas of e-Gov and e-Culture. Consultant of the European Commission on Digital Technologies for Cultural Heritage. Member of the AI in GLAMS taskforce. Director of NTUA’s spin-off company, DATOPTRON, Senior Researcher and team leader in the Artificial Intelligence and Learning Systems laboratory of the National Technical University of Athens

  • Building the common European data space for cultural heritage
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Victor de Boer
  • Opportunities and Challenges in the Adoption of AI Technologies in the Cultural Heritage Domain
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Yumeng Hou

Yumeng Hou is a digital humanities researcher currently pursuing a PhD at the Laboratory for Experimental Museology (eM+), EPFL. Trained as a data scientist, Yumeng holds experience in data visualisation, machine learning, analytics, and cloud solutions. Her research examines the convergence of cultural heritage, computational archives, digital narratives, knowledge encoding and cultural AI. Yumeng is passionate about leveraging computational strategies to augment cultural studies, especially in the fields of intangible cultural heritage and traditional folklore. She is preparing a thesis on the datafication and (re)presentation of embodied knowledge in Southern Chinese martial arts in (digital) museum settings.

  • The (in)accessible embodiment: unfolding the multifaceted knowledge in traditional martial arts