Opportunities and Challenges in the Adoption of AI Technologies in the Cultural Heritage Domain
Marco Rendina, Sofie Taes, Giles Bergel, Victor de Boer, Manuel Herranz
In recent years we have seen a surge of interest in the Cultural Heritage (CH) sector towards exploring and adopting AI. First making waves in other professional sectors, AI solutions have come around to show promising results in different areas of operations of Cultural Heritage Institutions - from content analysis and knowledge extraction to machine translation and enrichment of metadata. However, a number of technical and knowledge barriers that limit the broader uptake of AI in the sector persist. At the same time, ICT actors encounter a number of challenges when it comes to efficiently transferring AI techniques that have been successful in other sectors to the CH domain. In this panel we invite developers, brokers, promoters and experts of AI to share their insights into the opportunities waiting to be seized and the challenges faced by both CH and technology stakeholders. Will our assumptions be confirmed or debunked?
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