Breaking down silos: transforming Maastricht University's Special Collections into Linked (Open) Data
With the Linked Digital Heritage programme line, the National Library of the Netherlands wants to connect libraries’ dispersed heritage in accordance with the principles of the Dutch Digital Heritage Network, making it available for use by different target groups of education, science, the creative industries and the general public. Maastricht University Library carried out one of the eight pilot projects within this programme line. Titled ‘Het licht is rond: Pierre Kemp verbonden’, the project aimed to explore how the University Library’s collection of the poet Pierre Kemp (1886-1967) could be presented through Linked Open Data in such an open and enriched way as to reach the widest possible audience.
As part of the first phase of this programme line, our project delivered a dataset consisting of the objects to be included in an author portal developed by the Dutch Museum of Literature. The dataset contains digitised representations of letters, manuscripts, drawings and physical objects and is provided as Linked Open Data. The digitised content itself, including 3D representations of Pierre Kemp’s desk, a cabinet and an egg decorated by him with a poem, is presented in the content management system Omeka S of the University Library.
Join this session to gain insights into processes and workflows which facilitate the digitisation, creation, enrichment and management of data and standards and protocols which support the creation, sharing and reuse of Linked Data.