Henk Alkemade
Trained as a physical geographer, Henk started working in IT as a programmer, designer, analyst and as IT-manager, before making the switch to specialist (pre-)historical landscapes at the National Heritage Agenct of the Netherlands. Henk retired in November 2022 and started to work as dep. operations manager for CARARE. Henk is Chair of the Steering Group of the Europeana TECH community since February 2022.
For small and medium-sized cultural heritage organisations (SMCHO’s), it is very often difficult, if not impossible, to digitise their collections, metadate them adequately and deliver the results to Europeana, either through an aggregator or directly. Consequently they will lag behind and their content will be missed in Europeana and in the “digital world” at large and will not be available to most of the interested audience. Not having a digital presence and not having digital experience will hinder these organisations to cooperate with and learn from their peers all over Europe.
To aid the SMCHO’s, a Europeana Task Force is developing a standardised workflow, in which each step will be provided with appropriate, standardised, open or free tools and best practices. This will reduce the capacity needed by SMCHO’s, bridge the capabilities-gap and decrease the need for budget. In this session we will present a Digitization Handbook, a living "document" (using Static Site Generator technology, instead of static PDF files), to help SMCHO's from shelf to Europeana. We will present and discuss the results of the questionnaire on problems in SMCHO's during the process from digitization to publication.