EuropeanaTech 2023

EuropeanaTech 2023

Digital inclusion for Vietnamese cultural professionals: challenges and opportunities of representation and engagement
2023-10-11 , Create

Digital technologies have the potential to empower Vietnamese cultural professionals by providing them with access to and inclusion in the global discourse on art and culture. However, they also face direct and indirect barriers such as a lack of resources, language barriers, geopolitics, and outdated stereotypes circulating online which impact their capacity to effectively represent their culture and engage with a national and international audience. These challenges can impede the digitisation process in Vietnam and further increase the global digitisation divide.

This session aims to address the challenges and opportunities presented by digital technologies in the representation of Vietnamese art and culture arising from a co-designed action research project conducted in collaboration with museums in Hanoi, Vietnam. It will discuss findings from the research and potential solutions that were developed in collaboration for improving access, inclusion and engagement such as using a system of no cost or low cost technology and apps to support the creation of 3D digital models of artefacts and environments. It will explore the importance of digital inclusion and the need for systematic policy, training, protocols, and standardised practices to ensure a sustainable solution for preservation and representation of art and culture in Vietnam. This may also have broader implications for the digitisation of, and engagement with, cultural heritage in the Global South.