EuropeanaTech 2023

EuropeanaTech 2023

Building the common European data space for cultural heritage
2023-10-11 , Conference room

The common European data space for cultural heritage (Data Space, for short) is one of 14 data spaces initiated by the European Commission. Building on Europeana’s major accomplishments in open data, community building, and data aggregation, it challenges the initiative to grow, innovate, and rethink its approach to cultural heritage data.
The Data Space will become a sustainable and trusted ecosystem for producers and users of European cultural data. It will thrive by building bridges with similar initiatives on various levels: European initiatives such as the SSHOC Marketplace and the European Open Science Cloud and national initiatives such as the Dutch Digital Heritage Network (NDE). Such collaborations with new entities and coordination with local and national initiatives will require a more flexible and adaptive approach to support the inclusion of more diverse types of data. The Data Space will need to embrace a more open and decentralised approach to data sharing to enhance cooperation across the sector and accelerate its digital transformation. Semantic interoperability and technologies like Linked Data and SOLID can be enablers of this change.

Enno Meijers is an advisor at the Research Department at the National Library of the Netherlands. His main focus area is in information infrastructures and (semantic) web technologies. As a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the Dutch Digital Heritage Network (NDE), he is leading the program to improve the usability and discoverability of the Dutch heritage collections. Linked Data and distributed web technologies are the main building blocks for this infrastructure. He studied Electrical Engineering and Business Informatics and has been working in the cultural heritage and library domain for over twenty years.

Semantic Web and metadata enthusiast. Since 2002, participated in more than 25 European funded R&D projects and coordinated the development of several software platforms in the areas of e-Gov and e-Culture. Consultant of the European Commission on Digital Technologies for Cultural Heritage. Member of the AI in GLAMS taskforce. Director of NTUA’s spin-off company, DATOPTRON, Senior Researcher and team leader in the Artificial Intelligence and Learning Systems laboratory of the National Technical University of Athens

Marie-Véronique Leroi is in charge of the Linked Open Data strategy in the French Ministère de la Culture. She is a project manager in the Department of digital for transformation for cultural policies and data management in the Ministry of Culture. She has a background on linguistics and natural language processing (NLP). She is now responsible for updating and implementing the national strategy on semantic web for cultural data. She is the representative of France in CEDCHE expert group of the European Commission. She is currently the chair of the Europeana Aggregators' Forum.

I have been working in the archives domain for more than 15 years, after initially starting my career in public relations and editing. During this time, I have gained expertise in a variety of areas, from records management and transfer of born-digital materials via standardisation and interoperability to aggregation of cultural heritage metadata on national, international and cross-domain levels. In the latter context, I have been collaborating with Europeana in various roles since 2010. I currently act as the vice-chair of the Europeana Aggregators Forum.