2023-10-11 –, Create
The digital age has brought about many changes in the way we teach and learn, and the emergence of AI tools has revolutionised the field of film education.
This session explore the benefits and limitations of using AI tools in film education, with a focus on using silent movies made available through Europeana.eu as material to implement a learning scenario. AI tools offer a wealth of opportunities for film educators looking to enhance the learning experience for their students. From analysing the narrative structure of silent movies to creating personalised silent film additions and remediation (enriching them with sounds, voices, and music thanks to the AI App), these tools can help students develop critical thinking skills, learn at their own pace, and personalise the learning experience. The implementation of AI in the classroom employing silent movies from Europeana.eu can be seen here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e2k0ccpxdt9u2ZEe7DgpcjVx74o8Jufe/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110835533992599078349&rtpof=true&sd=true
I’m a teacher of IGCSE History and Geography in English and I have been teaching since 1998-99, I am specialized in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). I teach in Cambridge International IGCSE® High School Diaz (Caserta), I'm trainer and author of digital content and free-lance researcher.
I am an intercultural mediator and teacher of Italian as a Second Language to adults. I cooperate with the University of Naples L’ Orientale as an expert in CLIL Masters courses and I gained specific expertise in Erasmus+ project management as coordinator of several projects funded by the EU.