Valerio Maggio

Valerio Maggio is a Data Scientist and Post-doc Researcher.
He has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Naples “Federico II”, and he is currently enrolled as
Research/Cloud Software Engineer at FBK/MPBA.
His research interests focus on Reproducible Science and Machine/Deep Learning methods for Computational Biology and Precision Medicine.
Valerio is also a very active fellow in the Italian Python community and member of the organising committee of many
Python Conferences (i.e. EuroPython, PyCon/PyData Italy, EuroSciPy).

Twitter handle



Institute / Company

Fondazione Bruno Kessler / University of Bristol


Never get in a battle of bits without ammunition
Valerio Maggio

The numpy package takes a central role in Python scientific ecosystem.
This is mainly because numpy code has been designed with
high performance in mind. This tutorial will introduce the main features of in numpy in 90 mins.

Track 2 (Baroja)