Francesc Alted
After more than a decade working in developing different Data Oriented libraries (PyTables, Blosc, bcolz), and High Performance Computing (numexpr) I am offering consulting and developer services for all the skills that I have cumulated through the years. I can also act as a teacher in Python and data handling; my courses can be tailored to the needs of the customer.
I am also an open source developer and highly interested in Data Oriented Programming. Most of my current work in this area happens at Blosc2 (, and Caterva ( with some maintenance work on existing PyTables and Blosc packages.
Areas of expertise: C and Python programming, compression, large databases, optimization, SQL, NoSQL.
Formal resumé:
Homepage – Git*hub|lab – Institute / Company –Freelance
Caterva is a library on top of the Blosc2 compressor that implements a simple multidimensional container for compressed binary data. It adds the capability to store, extract, and transform data in these containers, either in-memory or on-disk.