Getting Started with JupyterLab
2019-09-02 , Track 2 (Baroja)

JupyterLab is used for essentially all other tutorials at EuroSciPy. This tutorial gives an overview over the basic functionality and shows how to use some of the many tools it provides to simplify your Python programming workflow.

This tutorial is hands-on. It is designed for participants who haven't used the JupyterLab yet or have only minimal experience with it. Participant will work along with the trainer and learn how a Jupyter Notebook work by using some basic features.

Some of the topics are:

  • Client-server concept
  • How cells work
  • Basic markdown
  • Magic commands overview
  • Some magic commands in more detail
  • Debugging basics
  • Basic timing and profiling
  • Extensions
  • History of variables
  • Saving to files
  • and more

There will be room for questions during the tutorial as well as a dedicated FAQ session at the end.

After this tutorial participants should be able to comfortably follow the other tutorials that are delivered with a Jupyter Notebook.

Requirements and set up instructions

Training will be doe wit Python 3.7 and the latest Jupyter Lab version.

  • Install Anaconda


  • Install Miniconda and conda install jupyterlab


  • Create a new conda environment:
    • conda create -n jupyterlabtutorial python=3.7 jupyterlab and activate it with
    • conda activate jupyterlabtutorial

Project Homepage / Git:

Abstract as a tweet:

Learn the basics of JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebooks from a long-term user

Python Skill Level:


Domain Expertise:



General-purpose Python

Founder and trainer of Python Academy