Pamela Alejandra Bustamante Faúndez

Pamela Bustamante is a PhD candidate in Engineering Sciences from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Previously she did a Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering, and studied Industrial Civil Engineering.
She has been using Python since the start of her doctoral studies. Because of her love for the Python language, she participates as a co-organizer (and co-founder) of the groups "Python Chile" and "PyLadies Santiago de Chile" in Chile.
Currently, she is doing an internship in the context of her PhD in Lille, France. This talk is part of her Ph.D. Thesis in Engineering Sciences at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



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Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Discovering Mathematical Optimization with Python
Pamela Alejandra Bustamante Faúndez

Mathematical optimization is the selection of the best alternative with respect to some criterion, among a set of candidate options.

There are multiple applications of mathematical optimization. For example, in investment portfolio optimization, we search for the best way to invest capital given different alternatives. In this case, an optimization problem will allow us to choose a portfolio that minimizes risk (or maximizes profit), among all possible allocations that meet the defined requirements.

In most cases, mathematical optimization is used as a tool to facilitate decision-making. Sometimes these decisions can be made automatically in real-time.

This talk will explore how to formulate and solve mathematical optimization problems with Python, using different optimization libraries.

HS 118