CLAIMED - An open source unified platform for batch, streaming and microservices based data science

Data are processed in pipelines – either an entire data set, in batches or one by one. A variety of programming languages, frameworks and libraries exists. In CLAIMED – the component library for AI, Machine Learning, ETL and Data Science – we provide an opinionated set of coarse grained components implemented as jupyter notebooks. Through C3, the claimed component compiler those can be (as of now) transformed into Kubeflow Pipeline Components, Airflow Operators or simple (docker) container images to be executed on Knative. An adapter implemented as side car transforms those into either streaming components (currently http(s) and Kafka) or micro services – with scale to zero support. Using the jupyter lab Elyra pipeline editor and CLAIMED, anybody can create data science pipelines without programming skills. But the source code is only one click away. The jupyter notebook backing the component is available for review, adjustments or improvements of the components.

Data are processed in pipelines – either an entire data set, in batches or one by one. A variety of programming languages, frameworks and libraries exists. In CLAIMED – the component library for AI, Machine Learning, ETL and Data Science – we provide an opinionated set of coarse grained components implemented as jupyter notebooks. Through C3, the claimed component compiler those can be (as of now) transformed into Kubeflow Pipeline Components, Airflow Operators or simple (docker) container images to be executed on Knative. An adapter implemented as side car transforms those into either streaming components (currently http(s) and Kafka) or micro services – with scale to zero support. Using the jupyter lab Elyra pipeline editor and CLAIMED, anybody can create data science pipelines without programming skills. But the source code is only one click away. The jupyter notebook backing the component is available for review, adjustments or improvements of the components.


Discovery from Data, Jupyter, Machine Learning

Abstract as a tweet:

CLAIMED - An open source unified platform for batch, streaming and microservices based data science

Expected audience expertise: Domain:


Expected audience expertise: Python:
