2022-08-30 –, HS 120
This tutorial is an introduction to geospatial data analysis, with a focus on tabular vector data using GeoPandas. It will show how GeoPandas and related libraries can improve your workflow (importing GIS data, visualizing, joining and preparing for analysis, exploring spatial relationships, …).
This tutorial is an introduction to geospatial data analysis in Python, with a focus on tabular vector data using GeoPandas. The content focuses on introducing the participants to the different libraries to work with geospatial data and will cover munging geo-data and exploring relations over space. This includes importing data in different formats (e.g. shapefile, GeoJSON), visualizing, combining and tidying them up for analysis, and will use libraries such as pandas, geopandas, shapely, pyproj, matplotlib, folium, …
Please find the material and installation instructions at https://github.com/jorisvandenbossche/geopandas-tutorial
Introduction to geospatial data analysis with GeoPandas and the PyData stack
Expected audience expertise: Domain:some
Expected audience expertise: Python:some
Domains:Open Source Library