Loïc Estève

Loïc has a background in Particle Physics, which is how he discovered Python towards the end of his PhD. After a few year stint in an investment fund of writing mostly C++ and as much Python as possible,
he was lured back to an academic environment at Inria.

He is a scikit-learn and joblib core contributor and has been involved in a number of Python open-source projects in the past 10 years, amongst which Pyodide, dask-jobqueue, sphinx-gallery and nilearn.


My foray from Scientific Python into the Pyodide / WebAssembly universe
Loïc Estève

Pyodide is a Python distribution for the browser and Node.js based on WebAssembly / Emscripten.
Pyodide supports most commonly used scientific Python packages, like numpy, scipy, scikit-learn, matplotlib and there is growing interest to use it for improving package documentation through interactivity.

In this talk we will describe the work we have done in the past nine months to improve the state of Pyodide in a scientific Python context, namely:
- running the scikit-learn and scipy test suites with Node.js to get a view of what currently works, what does not, and what can be hopefully be fixed one day
- packaging OpenBLAS in Pyodide and use it for Pyodide scipy package to improve its stability, maintainability and performance
- adding JupyterLite functionality to sphinx-gallery, which is used for example galleries of popular scientific Python package like scikit-learn, matplotlib, scikit-image, etc ...
- adding the sphinx-gallery Jupyterlite functionality for scikit-learn example gallery

We will also mention some of the Pyodide sharp bits and conclude with some of the ideas we have to use it even more widely.

Data Science and Visualisation
HS 120