Maren Westermann

Dr Maren Westermann works as a machine learning engineer at DB Systel GmbH and holds a PhD in environmental science. She is a self taught Pythonista, an active open source contributor, especially to the library scikit-learn, and is a co-organiser of PyLadies Berlin where she hosts monthly open source hack nights.

Institute / Company

DB Systel GmbH



Twitter handle



Contributor, Developer and Volunteer Experience: Navigating Challenges Beyond Code
Giada Pistilli, Cheuk Ting Ho, Maren Westermann, Stefania Delprete

Let's Talk Inclusivity and Mental Health.

What's beyond the lines of code? Let's explore the spectrum of experiences, from contributors to volunteers, developers to conference attendees.

Join us to share your insights, experiences, and solutions for a more supportive and inclusive scientific Python ecosystem. Let's empower one another and shape a community that thrives on empathy, understanding, and collaboration.

Community, Education, and Outreach
HS 119 - Maintainer track
Building divserve open source communities - learnings from PyLadies Berlin’s monthly open source hack nights
Maren Westermann

Today state of the art scientific research as well as industrial software development strongly depend on open source libraries. The demographic of the contributors to these libraries is predominantly white and male. In order to increase participation of groups who have been historically underrepresented in this domain PyLadies Berlin, a volunteer run community group focussed on helping marginalised people to professionally establish themselves in tech, has been running hands on monthly open source hack nights for more than a year. After some initial challenges the initiative yielded encouraging results. This talk summarises the learnings and teaches how they can be applied in the wider open source community.

Community, Education, and Outreach