EuroSciPy 2024

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Aditi Juneja

Hi, I'm Aditi. I am currently part of NetworkX's Core Developer team. NetworkX is a Python library used for graph analysis. I've been working mainly on NetworkX's dispatching side and the nx-parallel backend, previously as an Independent contractor and currently as a GSoC contributor. Also, I presented my work on nx-parallel as a poster at SciPy Con this year. And, I am currently pursuing a bachelor's in Data Science and Application from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and another bachelor's in Computer Science from Delhi University.

  • Dispatching, Backend Selection, and Compatibility APIs
  • Understanding NetworkX's API Dispatching with a parallel backend
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Alexander Fischer

I'm a former academic economist - that's why I like linear regression so much. Nowadays I work as a Data Scientist and spend most of my week working on online auctions at Trivago. After hours, I work and open source packages for regression modeling and inference in R and Python.

  • Mostly Harmless Fixed Effects Regression in Python with PyFixest
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Alexander Goscinski

I am currently working as a Software Engineer at the Paul Scherrer Institut in Switzerland focusing on the development of AiiDA a workflow engine specialized on managing high-throughput calculations. Before this I earned my PhD at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Materials Science and Engineering in the Laboratory of Computational Science and Modeling. My research focused on studying features of machine learning models used for the prediction of atomistic properties. I am passionate about developing software that helps researchers to push the boundaries of materials science research. In my free time, I enjoy tennis and running outdoors. In addition to my research, I am also skilled in programming languages such as Python and C and am interested in diving more into Rust and F#. I have experience managing high-performance computing systems and have contributed to several open-source software projects in the field of computational materials science. I am always looking for opportunities to collaborate with others and learn from their experiences.

  • Building robust workflows with strong provenance
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Alexandre Strube

HPC Specialist / AI Consultant

Maintainer of LMod, the Supercomputers's module system
Maintainer of FastChat
Ubuntu Member, Debian Developer


  • Helmholtz Blablador and the LLM models' ecosystem
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Ali Khosravi

I completed a PhD in computational condensed matter physics in SISSA (Italy) and published various research papers ( on different topics.
During this time, I discovered my interest in programming and decided to pursue it professionally.

  • Building robust workflows with strong provenance
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Almar Klein

Almar Klein is an independent Python developer, active in the open source community since 2007. He has worked on various open source libraries, and has a special interest in (3D) visualization.

  • wgpu and pygfx: next-generation graphics for Python
  • OpenGL is dying, let's talk about WebGPU
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Bas Zalmstra
  • Building optimized packages for conda-forge and PyPI
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Benedikt Heidrich

I completed my PhD in deep learning based time series forecasting in 2023 with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. In sktime, I am focusing on forecasting methods (mainly deep learning based ones) and implementing pipelines.

  • forecasting foundation models: evaluation and integration with sktime – challenges and outcomes
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Benedikt Heidrich
  • sktime - python toolbox for time series – introduction and new features 2024: foundation models, deep learning backends, probabilistic models, hierarchical demand forecasting, marketplace features
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Caitlin Lewis

Co-developer of fastplotlib. First-year PhD Student at Duke University in the lab of Prof. John Pearson studying Electrical & Computer Engineering.

  • fastplotlib: A high-level library for ultra fast visualization of large datasets using modern graphics APIs
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Claudio G. Giancaterino

I'm an actuary moving towards a freelance data science job.
I was a trainee in several SDS & SwissText conference editions.
I was a speaker in several Insurance Data Science Conference editions and meetups (Zurich & Munich).
I was an assistant professor for Insurance Statistics at the Catholic University of Milan.
I started my data science journey with kaggle and hackathons.

  • Conformal Prediction with MAPIE: A Journey into Reliable Uncertainty Quantification
  • Data augmentation with Scikit-LLM
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Daniele Raimondi

Daniele is a data scientist with expertise in statistics, data science and finance, passionate about exploring the intersection of machine learning and financial markets.
Since 2023, he is working at MDPI, one of the largest open-access publishers.
A former national 400m sprinter.

  • A Qdrant and Specter2 framework for tracking resubmissions of rejected manuscripts in academia
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Erik Welch

Erik Welch is a senior system software engineer on the RAPIDS cuGraph team at NVIDIA and a core NetworkX developer. He has 20 years' experience using Python as a scientist, engineer, and open-source developer on a wide range of data and high-performance computing problems. He primarily works on nx-cugraph, an accelerated backend to NetworkX, and is the primary maintainer of the popular toolz library.

  • Dispatching, Backend Selection, and Compatibility APIs
  • Understanding NetworkX's API Dispatching with a parallel backend
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Felipe Angelim
  • sktime - python toolbox for time series – introduction and new features 2024: foundation models, deep learning backends, probabilistic models, hierarchical demand forecasting, marketplace features
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Frank Sauerburger

Frank became a self-employed software developer and consultant while studying Physics in Freiburg. During his Masters, he specialized in data analysis for particle physics at CERN and obtained a doctoral degree in 2022 working with the ATLAS collaboration. Since 2023, he has been the AI Technical Leader at MDPI, one of the largest open-access publishers.

  • From data analysis in Jupyter Notebooks to production applications: AI infrastructure at reasonable scale
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Franz Kiraly

founder and core developer of sktime project.

AI researcher with experience in head/principal roles in industrial R&D and in academic faculty roles.

  • sktime - python toolbox for time series – introduction and new features 2024: foundation models, deep learning backends, probabilistic models, hierarchical demand forecasting, marketplace features
  • forecasting foundation models: evaluation and integration with sktime – challenges and outcomes
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Geir Arne Hjelle

Geir Arne teaches Python at Real Python. He has a background in mathematics and has worked with data analysis in different fields, such as electricity markets, satellite geodesy, and computer vision. In his spare time, Geir Arne enjoys hammock camping, square roots, and aimless forest wandering.

  • Introduction to Polars: Fast and Readable Data Analysis
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Grzegorz Bokota
  • napari: multi-dimensional image visualization, annotation, and analysis in Python
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Guillaume Lemaitre

I'm an open source software engineer at :probabl. I'm a core developer of scikit-learn and `imbalanced-learn.

  • Probabilistic classification and cost-sensitive learning with scikit-learn
  • Dispatching, Backend Selection, and Compatibility APIs
  • Skrub: prepping tables for machine learning
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Ilya Komarov

I worked as a particle physicist in 2012-2021. In 2016, I got my PhD in Physics from EPFL for analysis of data from LHCb experiment (CERN). After that, I changed the experiment, and joined Belle II collaboration for analysis of data collected on KEK collider in Japan.

In 2021, I changed my career and joined trivago as a Data Scientist to work on ranking problems.

In 2022 I joined Henkel, my current employer. I am working on several project including (but not limitig to) time series analysis, Bayesian Optimisation, and scheduling.

  • Enhancing Bayesian Optimization with Ensemble Models for Categorical Domains
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Ines Montani

Ines Montani is a developer specializing in tools for AI and NLP technology. She’s the co-founder and CEO of Explosion and a core developer of spaCy, a popular open-source library for Natural Language Processing in Python, and Prodigy, a modern annotation tool for creating training data for machine learning models.

  • 10 Years of Open Source: Navigating the Next AI Revolution
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Jacob Tomlinson

Jacob Tomlinson is a senior Python software engineer at NVIDIA with a focus on deployment tooling for distributed systems. His work involves maintaining open source projects including RAPIDS and Dask. RAPIDS is a suite of GPU accelerated open source Python tools which mimic APIs from the PyData stack including those of Numpy, Pandas and SciKit-Learn. Dask provides advanced parallelism for analytics with out-of-core computation, lazy evaluation and distributed execution of the PyData stack. He also tinkers with the open source Kubernetes Python framework kr8s in his spare time. Jacob volunteers with the local tech community group Tech Exeter and lives in Exeter, UK.

  • Accelerating Python on HPC with Dask
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Jakub B. Jagiełło

I’m a software developer working for Polish Philology department of Adam Mickiewicz University. I’m interested in natural language processing and hypertext literature.

  • Using Wikipedia as a language corpus for NLP
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Jan Boelts (Teusen)

Background in Computational Neuroscience
PhD in Machine Learning at University of Tübingen
AI Researcher at appliedAI TransferLab
Maintainer of the SBI package

  • Simulated data is all you need: Bayesian parameter inference for scientific simulators with SBI
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Janos Gabler

Author of optimagic / estimagic | Senior AI Researcher at appliedAI | Expert in numerical optimization | Building Bandsaws, Pizza Ovens and Furniture

  • Optimagic: Can we unify Python's numerical optimization ecosystem?
  • From stringly typed to strongly typed: Insights from re-designing a library to get the most out of type hints
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Jarrod Millman

Jarrod Millman is a Senior Open Source Scientific Python Developer at BIDS and the Executive Director for Berkeley's Open Source Program Office. With a background in computer science, mathematics, and statistics, and degrees from Cornell and Berkeley, Millman is a founding member of the scientific Python ecosystem. His primary focus is on developing and sustaining open-source, community-owned scientific software tools. Millman serves on the steering council of NetworkX, is a core developer of scikit-image, and was an early contributor to NumPy, SciPy, and scikit-learn. He has co-founded several influential initiatives to advance open and reproducible research, including the Scientific Python project, the nonprofit NumFOCUS, and the Neuroimaging in Python project.

  • Scientific Python
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Jérôme Dockès

I am a software engineer at INRIA, working mostly on the Skrub open-source Python library (

  • Skrub: prepping tables for machine learning
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Joris Van den Bossche

I am a core contributor to Pandas and Apache Arrow, and maintainer of GeoPandas. I did a PhD at Ghent University and VITO in air quality research and worked at the Paris-Saclay Center for Data Science. Currently, I work at Voltron Data, contributing to Apache Arrow, and am a freelance teacher of python (pandas).

  • Dispatching, Backend Selection, and Compatibility APIs
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Julian Geiger

I currently work as a postdoctoral researcher / Research Software Engineer at the Materials Software and Data group led by Dr. Giovanni Pizzi at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland. I studied chemistry at the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, and was interested in atomistic modelling early on. After an Erasmus stay at the University of Cambridge and the completion of my Master thesis at the company BASF in Germany, I did a PhD at the Catalan Institute of Chemical Research (ICIQ) in Tarragona, Spain. During my doctoral studies, I investigated electron transfer dynamics in ceria-based single-atom catalysts (SACs) using Density Functional Theory (DFT). Here, AiiDA was very helpful to orchestrate and automate the complex workflows that were required for my research. Thus, I am very happy that my current position enables me to be involved in driving the development of AiiDA and contribute to augmentative tools such as the WorkGraph.

  • Building robust workflows with strong provenance
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Justyna Szydłowska-Samsel

I'm a Research Assistant in the Department of IT in Management, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland. In my scientific work, I mainly focus on machine learning applications in business and programming teaching methods. I also teach classes at the university on topics including programming, machine learning, algorithms, data structures, etc.

  • Introduction to Machine Learning with scikit-learn and Pandas
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Katharine Jarmul

Katharine Jarmul is a privacy activist, author of Practical Data Privacy and data scientist in Berlin, Germany. Her newsletter on privacy, Probably Private, covers the intersection of privacy, mathematics, probability and machine learning / data science.

  • Federated Learning: Where we are and where we need to be
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Kushal Kolar

PhD Candidate in Biomedical Engineering at the Flatiron Institute for Computational Neuroscience and NYU. 10+ years of experience using Python for data analysis and machine learning with neuroscience datasets. Core developer of fastplotlib and maintainer of several Python libraries in neuroscience with significant user bases, and a contributor to other libraries such as tslearn and CaImAn.

  • fastplotlib: A high-level library for ultra fast visualization of large datasets using modern graphics APIs
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Lars Grüter

Lars is currently working as a freelance and core developer for the image processing library scikit-image. With an education in electrical engineering and a focus in health and sensor technologies, he has worked as a research assistant on adaptive ultrasound imaging at the TU Dresden. As a student, he started contributing to the scientific Python ecosystem and discovered his interest for signal processing, Linux, and especially Python’s scientific ecosystem.

  • Image analysis in Python with scikit-image
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Loïc Estève

Loïc has a Particle Physics background, which is how he discovered Python towards the end of his PhD.

He is a scikit-learn and joblib core contributor and has been involved in a number of Python open-source projects in the past 10 years, amongst which Pyodide, dask-jobqueue, sphinx-gallery and nilearn.

  • Free-threaded (aka nogil) CPython in the Scientific Python ecosystem : status and road ahead
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Lucas Colley

SciPy Maintainer | Computer Science & Philosophy Undergraduate Student at Christ Church, University of Oxford | Based in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

  • The Array API Standard in SciPy
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Marco Gorelli

Marco is a core dev of pandas and Polars and works at Quansight Labs as Senior Software Engineer. He also consults and trains clients professionally on Polars. He has also written the first Polars Plugins Tutorial and has taught Polars Plugins to clients.

He has a background in Mathematics and holds an MSc from the University of Oxford, and was one of the prize winners in the M6 Forecasting Competition (2nd place overall Q1).

  • Dispatching, Backend Selection, and Compatibility APIs
  • Combining Python and Rust to create Polars Plugins
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Marianne Corvellec

Marianne Corvellec is a core developer of scikit-image, a popular Python library for scientific image processing, where she specializes in biomedical applications. Her technical interests include data science workflows, data visualization, and best practices from testing to documenting. She holds a PhD in statistical physics from École normale supérieure de Lyon, France. Since 2013, she has been a regular speaker and contributor in the Python, Carpentries, and FLOSS communities.

  • The joys and pains of reproducing research: An experiment in bioimaging data analysis
  • Image analysis in Python with scikit-image
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Marnik Bercx

I obtained my M. Sc. with a major in nanophysics from the University of Antwerp in 2015 and continued at the same institution as a Doctoral Candidate under the supervision of Prof. Lamoen. Since obtaining my PhD with distinction in 2020, I have first worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the THEOS group of Prof. Marzari at EPFL, and since September 2023, I have worked in the group of Giovanni Pizzi at the Paul Scherrer Institute.

My main interests include designing materials - especially in superconductors, batteries, and solar cells - using quantum simulations run by automated high-throughput workflows. Much of my recent work has focused on developing open-source tools to facilitate fully reproducible and shareable workflows and improve their robustness in the Quantum ESPRESSO plugin for AiiDA. In addition to software development, I'm also involved in managing and running large-scale HTC projects for generating databases of materials properties.

  • Reproducible workflows with AiiDA - The power and challenges of full data provenance
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Mike Müller

Python user since 1999. Python trainer since 2004. CEO and trainer at Python Academy. Serial Python conference organizer. Chair of Python Software Verband. PSF community award winner.

  • The Parallel Universe in Python - A Time Travel to Python 3.13 and beyond
  • Decorators - A Deep Dive
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Mojdeh Rastgoo

Dr. Mojdeh Rastgoo has more than 10 years experience working in computer vision and data science.
She is an active member of the community: PyLadies Paris organizer, member of PSF - Code of Conduct WG, EuroSciPy organizer among others.

  • Introduction to Python
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Mridul Seth

I am a scientific software developer working on the scipp ecosystem at European Spallation Source to make neutrons go 🚀🚀🚀

  • Multi-dimensional arrays with Scipp
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Muhammad Armaghan Shakir
  • sktime - python toolbox for time series – introduction and new features 2024: foundation models, deep learning backends, probabilistic models, hierarchical demand forecasting, marketplace features
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Naman Gera

I work as a Research Software Engineer at the UK's national synchrotron science facility, Diamond Light Source, where I develop open-source software for science. I have been involved in the development of some open-source libraries (SymPy being one of them) and compilers (LPython, LFortran).
When I'm not staring at a screen, I enjoy visiting national parks, hiking, and being outside in nature. I adore the Alps and the Himalayas, where I feel insignificant amidst the majestic mountains. I also enjoy travelling to many countries.

  • LPython: Novel, Fast, Retargetable Python Compiler
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Nefta Kanilmaz
  • Introduction to matplotlib for Data Visualization with Python
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Nikoleta E. Glynatsi

I am an applied mathematician and research software developer, currently employed as a postdoc in the research group Dynamics of Social Behavior.

I actively contribute to open-source projects. I am a fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute and serve as a topic editor for the Journal of Open Source Software.

  • A Hitchhiker's Guide to Contributing to Open Source
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Olivier Grisel

Olivier is a software engineer at Probabl and a core contributor to the scikit-learn open source Machine Learning library.

  • Probabilistic classification and cost-sensitive learning with scikit-learn
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Paweł Żal

Paweł Żal - software developer, system architect with 20 years of experience in IT. A proponent of distributed solutions, recently fascinated by time series databases. An avid kayaker and tinkerer.

  • What is the magic of magic methods in the Python language?
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Ralf Gommers

Ralf has been deeply involved in the SciPy, PyData and Python packaging communities for 15 years. He is a maintainer of NumPy, SciPy, the Array API standard, meson-python and pypackaging-native. Ralf is the current SciPy Steering Council Chair, and he served on the NumFOCUS Board of Directors from 2012-2018.

Ralf co-directs Quansight Labs, which consists of developers, community managers, designers, and documentation writers who build open-source technology and grow open-source communities around data science and scientific computing projects. Previously Ralf has worked in industrial R&D, on topics as diverse as MRI, lithography and forestry.

  • [CHANGE OF PROGRAM] Informal discussions about switching build backends
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Reimar Bauer

Reimar Bauer is an expierenced scientific programmer from Jülich, Germany. Reimar is the Maintainer of the Mission Support System, a software developed for scientific flight planning. During development, he rely on principles such as sociocracy, semantic versioning and open communication through tickets and pull requests.

He works at the Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH. With some 7000 employees and a unique research infrastructure, Forschungszentrum is one of the major interdisciplinary research centres in Europe.
Employees research to provide comprehensive solutions to the grand challenges facing society in the fields of energy and the environment, information and brain research with the aim of providing society with options for action facilitating sustainable development.

Reimar has experience in organizing various events, from barcamps to large conferences. For several years he was on the board of the Python Software Verband and have contributed to a number of Python events in German-speaking countries. He is also a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation.

  • The Mission Support System and its use in planning an aircraft campaign
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Sarah Diot-Girard

Sarah Diot-Girard has been working on Machine Learning since 2012, and she enjoys using data science tools to find solutions to practical problems. She is particularly interested in issues, both technical and ethical, coming from applying ML into real life. She gave talks at international conferences, about data privacy and algorithmic fairness, and software engineering best practices applied to data science. She is employed by Owkin as a maintainer of the Federated Learning platform Substra since 2023.

  • Introduction to NumPy
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Sebastian Berg

Sebastian has been a NumPy developer for about 10 years now. After a PhD in phsyics he worked at as a postdoc at the Berkeley Institute for Datascience on NumPy as grants byt the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Since 2022 he has been a software engineer at NVIDIA where he continues to contribute to NumPy.

  • Dispatching, Backend Selection, and Compatibility APIs
  • NumPy's new DType API and 2.0 transition
  • Using the Array API to write code that runs with Numpy, Cupy and PyTorch
  • A Hitchhiker's Guide to Contributing to Open Source
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Stéfan van der Walt

I work at the intersection of computation and research, with a focus on improving open source tooling and supporting the community of developers. I've been involved with scientific Python since the early 2000s, and founded scikit-image in 2009. I am a co-author of Elegant SciPy, a community leader in the Scientific Python project (, and thoroughly enjoy my collaborations with members of this community. I am originally from South Africa, and was privileged to attend my first EuroSciPy (which I loved!) in 2011.

  • Scientific Python
  • Dispatching, Backend Selection, and Compatibility APIs
  • Image analysis in Python with scikit-image
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Thomas Fraunholz

Meet Thomas, a passionate advocate for science, particularly in the realm of applied mathematics. Following his doctoral studies, he embarked on a journey into the world of embedded programming, where his affinity for DevOps took root. His enduring passion for crunching numbers ultimately led him to the fascinating field of artificial intelligence, where he's now an acknowledged MLOps expert, seamlessly integrating machine learning into operations.

Thomas has an impressive track record as a leader, having overseen two publicly funded open-source research programs in the field of AI, in collaboration with the German Aerospace Center. Today, he is at the forefront of AI-driven cybersecurity research at Smart Cyber Security GmbH and working on his low-budget bark beetle detection drone project – a testament to his enduring fascination with embedded systems.

  • A Comparative Study of Open Source Computer Vision Models for Application on Small Data: The Case of CFRP Tape Laying
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Tim Head

I am a scikit-learn core maintainer and work at NVIDIA.

Before working on scikit-learn I helped build and worked on JupyterHub.

Many years ago I was a particle physicist at CERN in Geneva.

  • Dispatching, Backend Selection, and Compatibility APIs
  • Using the Array API to write code that runs with Numpy, Cupy and PyTorch
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Tim Köhler

Tim is a ai engineer at WOGRA AG, which is based in Germany.
More information about the speaker will follow.
Stay tuned!

  • A Comparative Study of Open Source Computer Vision Models for Application on Small Data: The Case of CFRP Tape Laying
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Valentin Haenel

Valentin 'esc' Haenel is a long-time "Python for Data" user and developer who
still remembers hearing Travis Oliphant's NumPy keynote at the EuroScipy 2008.
This was during a time where he first became aware of the nascent scientific
Python stack. He started using Python for simple modeling of spiking neurons
and evaluation of data from perception experiments during his Masters degree in
computational neuroscience. Since then he has been active as a contributor
across more than 100 open source projects. For example, within the Blosc
ecosystem where he has contributed to Bcolz, Python-Blosc and Bloscpack.
Furthermore, he has acquired significant experience as a Git trainer and
consultant and had published the first German language book about the topic in
2011. In 2014 and 2015 he helped kickstart the PyData Berlin community
alongside a few other volunteers and co-organized the first two editions of the
PyData Berlin Conference. Since 2019 he works for Anaconda as a senior software
engineer on the Numba project. His areas of contribution for the project so far
have been social architecture, release management, mutable datastructures and
recently, the compiler frontend.

  • Regularizing Python using Structured Control Flow
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Vincent Maladiere
  • Skrub: prepping tables for machine learning
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Wolf Vollprecht

Wolf has been in open source for his entire professional career. He is a core member of conda-forge for the past 4 years. He started the mamba package manager (a C++ reimplementation of conda). He is also a steering council member for the conda project. He founded to take software package management to the next level. At prefix, pixi and rattler-build are developed to make shipping software a breeze.

  • Just contribute?!
  • Building optimized packages for conda-forge and PyPI
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Wouter-Michiel Vierdag
  • napari: multi-dimensional image visualization, annotation, and analysis in Python
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Xing Wang

Dr. Xing Wang is a postdoctoral researcher in chemical and materials engineering at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland. He earned his PhD from ETH Zürich and his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Central South University, China. Dr. Wang's research focuses on high-throughput computing, scientific data management, computational materials science, heterogeneous catalysis, and spectroscopy computations. He has led several open-source projects, such as the development of AiiDA-WorkGraph and AiiDAlab QEApp, and contributed to platforms like Materials Cloud.

  • Reproducible workflows with AiiDA - The power and challenges of full data provenance