EuroSciPy 2024

Xing Wang

Dr. Xing Wang is a postdoctoral researcher in chemical and materials engineering at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland. He earned his PhD from ETH Zürich and his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Central South University, China. Dr. Wang's research focuses on high-throughput computing, scientific data management, computational materials science, heterogeneous catalysis, and spectroscopy computations. He has led several open-source projects, such as the development of AiiDA-WorkGraph and AiiDAlab QEApp, and contributed to platforms like Materials Cloud.

Institute / Company

Paul Scherrer Institute



Reproducible workflows with AiiDA - The power and challenges of full data provenance
Marnik Bercx, Xing Wang

AiiDA is a workflow manager with a strong focus on reproducibility through automated data provenance. In this talk we discuss what it means to have full “data provenance” for scientific workflows, the advantages it offers, but also the challenges it represents for new users and how we deal with them.

Scientific Applications
Room 6