EuroSciPy 2024

Reimar Bauer

Reimar Bauer is an expierenced scientific programmer from Jülich, Germany. Reimar is the Maintainer of the Mission Support System, a software developed for scientific flight planning. During development, he rely on principles such as sociocracy, semantic versioning and open communication through tickets and pull requests.

He works at the Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH. With some 7000 employees and a unique research infrastructure, Forschungszentrum is one of the major interdisciplinary research centres in Europe.
Employees research to provide comprehensive solutions to the grand challenges facing society in the fields of energy and the environment, information and brain research with the aim of providing society with options for action facilitating sustainable development.

Reimar has experience in organizing various events, from barcamps to large conferences. For several years he was on the board of the Python Software Verband and have contributed to a number of Python events in German-speaking countries. He is also a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation.

Institute / Company

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH


Twitter handle




The Mission Support System and its use in planning an aircraft campaign
Reimar Bauer

The Mission Support System (MSS) is an open source software package that has been used for planning flight tracks of scientific aircraft in multiple measurement campaigns during the last decade. It consists of many components, a data-retrieval tool chain, a wms server which creates 2-D figures from 4-D meterogical data. A client application for displaying the figures in combination with the planned flight track and other data. For data exchange between participants a collaboration server is used. The talk describes how we used these components for a campaign.

Scientific Applications
Room 7