EuroSciPy 2024

Geir Arne Hjelle

Geir Arne teaches Python at Real Python. He has a background in mathematics and has worked with data analysis in different fields, such as electricity markets, satellite geodesy, and computer vision. In his spare time, Geir Arne enjoys hammock camping, square roots, and aimless forest wandering.

Institute / Company

Real Python

Twitter handle




Introduction to Polars: Fast and Readable Data Analysis
Geir Arne Hjelle

Polars is a new, powerful library for doing analysis on structured data. The library focuses on processing speed and a consistent and intuitive API. This tutorial will help you get started with Polars, by showing you how to read and write data and manipulate it with Polars' powerful expression syntax. You'll learn about how the lazy API is an important key to Polars' efficiency.

Data Science and Visualisation
Room 6