EuroSciPy 2024

Wolf Vollprecht

Wolf has been in open source for his entire professional career. He is a core member of conda-forge for the past 4 years. He started the mamba package manager (a C++ reimplementation of conda). He is also a steering council member for the conda project. He founded to take software package management to the next level. At prefix, pixi and rattler-build are developed to make shipping software a breeze.

Institute / Company GmbH


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Just contribute?!
Wolf Vollprecht

Open source software is here for everyone - but how are we making sure that everyone has equal access?
In this keynote I will discuss how to lower barriers of entry for new contributors - and the many facets to this: documentation, community, guidelines, and tools.
I will share my personal motivations for contributing to open-source software and my journey over the past five years and all of its learnings.

Community, Education, and Outreach
Room 7
Building optimized packages for conda-forge and PyPI
Wolf Vollprecht, Bas Zalmstra

In this talk we're introducing a new tool to build conda packages. It has been adopted by the conda community and is being rolled out in the widely used conda-forge distribution. The new recipe format has been vetted in multiple Conda Enhancement Proposals (CEPs). We are going to introduce the exciting new features of rattler-build (reproducible builds, high speed build execution, etc.). Using some examples, we will then discuss how you can use rattler-build & conda-forge to build highly optimized packages with SIMD and CUDA support. We will also take a look at cibuildwheel and recent improvements in the PyPI space for CUDA.

High Performance Computing
Room 6