EuroSciPy 2024

Jarrod Millman

Jarrod Millman is a Senior Open Source Scientific Python Developer at BIDS and the Executive Director for Berkeley's Open Source Program Office. With a background in computer science, mathematics, and statistics, and degrees from Cornell and Berkeley, Millman is a founding member of the scientific Python ecosystem. His primary focus is on developing and sustaining open-source, community-owned scientific software tools. Millman serves on the steering council of NetworkX, is a core developer of scikit-image, and was an early contributor to NumPy, SciPy, and scikit-learn. He has co-founded several influential initiatives to advance open and reproducible research, including the Scientific Python project, the nonprofit NumFOCUS, and the Neuroimaging in Python project.


Scientific Python
Jarrod Millman, Stéfan van der Walt

Learn more about the Scientific Python project ( what it aims to achieve (helping the developer community), recent progress that has been made, and how to become involved.

Community, Education, and Outreach
Room 5