EuroSciPy 2024

wgpu and pygfx: next-generation graphics for Python
2024-08-29 , Room 7

This talk introduces a new render engine for Python, called pygfx (pronounced "py-graphics"). Its purpose is to bring powerful and reliable visualization to the Python world. Since pygfx is built on wgpu, it has superior performance and reliability compared to OpenGL-based solutions. It is also designed to be versatile: with its modular architecture, one can assemble graphical scenes for diverse applications, ranging from scientific visualization to video games.


This talk introduces a new render engine for Python, called pygfx (pronounced "py-graphics"), as well as our Python wrapper for wgpu.


The purpose of pygfx is to bring powerful and reliable visualization to the Python world. Since pygfx is built on wgpu, it has superior performance and reliability compared to OpenGL-based solutions. It is also designed to be versatile: with its modular architecture, one can assemble graphical scenes for diverse applications, ranging from scientific visualization to video games.

What you can expect

In this talk we will touch on a few technical details related to GPU programming, but we will explain these in the context of how these affect the graphics that we need in the scientific Python community. We'll discuss how wgpu has enabled us to introduce features in pygfx that we could only dream of previously. And we will show how wgpu and pygfx fit into the scientific ecosystem.

Abstract as a tweet:

wgpu and pygfx: next-generation graphics for Python.

Category [Data Science and Visualization]:

Data Visualization

Expected audience expertise: Domain:


Expected audience expertise: Python:


Project Homepage / Git:

Almar Klein is an independent Python developer, active in the open source community since 2007. He has worked on various open source libraries, and has a special interest in (3D) visualization.

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