EuroSciPy 2024

Understanding NetworkX's API Dispatching with a parallel backend
08-28, 11:05–11:35 (Europe/Berlin), Room 6

Hi! Have you ever wished your pure Python libraries were faster? Or wanted to fundamentally improve a Python library by rewriting everything in a faster language like C or Rust? Well, wish no more... NetworkX's backend dispatching mechanism redirects your plain old NetworkX function calls to a FASTER implementation present in a separate backend package by leveraging the Python's entry_point specification!

NetworkX is a popular, pure Python library used for graph(aka network) analysis. But when the graph size increases (like a network of everyone in the world), then NetworkX algorithms could take days to solve a simple graph analysis problem. So, to address these performance issues this backend dispatching mechanism was recently developed. In this talk, we will unveil this dispatching mechanism and its implementation details, and how we can use it just by specifying a backend kwarg like this:

>>> nx.betweenness_centrality(G, backend=“parallel”)

or by passing the backend graph object(type-based dispatching):

>>> H = nxp.ParallelGraph(G)
>>> nx.betweenness_centrality(H)

We'll also go over the limitations of this dispatch mechanism. Then we’ll use the example of nx-parallel as a guide to building our own custom NetworkX backend. And then, using NetworkX's existing test suite, we'll test this backend that we build. Ending with a quick dive into the details of the nx-parallel backend.

Ideal flow

In the first few minutes, we will familiarize ourselves with the NetworkX library and graph analysis in general. Subsequently, we will delve into the growing demand for faster graph algorithms driven by numerous PRs proposing to include parallel implementations for various algorithms in NetworkX. Moving on to a quick demo of the performance limitations of existing NetworkX algorithms such as betweenness_centrality and square_clustering when applied to larger SNAP graph datasets, underscoring the critical necessity for more efficient implementations. Balancing this need for more efficient and faster algorithms with the core values of NetworkX-- to remain free from any external dependencies and to uphold its pure Python nature, led to the development of a new backend dispatching system in NetworkX.

Next, we will understand what entry_points are and how NetworkX utilizes them to discover the backend packages and then redirect the NetworkX function calls to the backend implementations according to the specified backend. I will then delve into the details of the features a backend developer can utilize, like how they can use NetworkX's existing testing suite to test their backend just by setting the NETWORKX_TEST_BACKEND environment variable. Using the nx-parallel backend as an example, I will explain these implementation details and features. Finally, I will provide a brief demo on building your own backend.

In the last few minutes, we will get to know the nx-parallel backend that runs NetworkX's single-core graph algorithms on multiple CPU cores using joblib. We will discuss its implementation details and observe the parallel processes running concurrently and their CPU core usage distribution in the Activity Monitor. Next, we will explore the concept of chunking, and learn how and when it helps in parallel computing, particularly in the context of graph algorithms. Many algorithms in nx-parallel are generator functions, so we’ll also go over how chunking is done for generator functions. In the end, we’ll engage in a quick demo comparing nx-parallel and NetworkX using a large graph dataset with custom chunking enabled.

We will end with a summary of other NetworkX backends and some future to-dos for NetworkX’s backend dispatching and the nx-parallel backend. And then finally conclude with an interactive Q&A.

Refer to the linked poster below for more!

Thank you :)

Abstract as a tweet

Ever wished your pure Python libraries were faster? Well, wish no more... NetworkX's dispatching mechanism redirects your plain old NetworkX function calls to a FASTER backend implementation, leveraging Python's entry_point specification!

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Category [Community, Education, and Outreach]

Reports on the Use of Python in Scientific achievements or ongoing projects

Expected audience expertise: Domain


Expected audience expertise: Python


See also:

Erik Welch is a senior system software engineer on the RAPIDS cuGraph team at NVIDIA and a core NetworkX developer. He has 20 years' experience using Python as a scientist, engineer, and open-source developer on a wide range of data and high-performance computing problems. He primarily works on nx-cugraph, an accelerated backend to NetworkX, and is the primary maintainer of the popular toolz library.

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Hi, I'm Aditi. I am currently part of NetworkX's Core Developer team. NetworkX is a Python library used for graph analysis. I've been working mainly on NetworkX's dispatching side and the nx-parallel backend, previously as an Independent contractor and currently as a GSoC contributor. Also, I presented my work on nx-parallel as a poster at SciPy Con this year. And, I am currently pursuing a bachelor's in Data Science and Application from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and another bachelor's in Computer Science from Delhi University.

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