11.03, 14:00–15:00 (Europe/Berlin), Bühne 1
Eingeladene Gäste sprechen über aktuelle Themen aus dem Bereich Open Source GIS und Open Data im Format einer Podiumsdiskussion.
Moderation Till Adams (Mundialis, Terrestris)
- Arnulf Christl (Metaspatial)
- Christoph Hormann (Imagico)
- Frank Karlitschek (Gründer NextCloud, OwnCloud)
- Marco Lechner (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, BfS)
- Sebastian Meier (Professor für die Gestaltung von Wissensvermittlung, FH Potsdam)
Eingeladene Gäste sprechen über aktuelle Themen aus dem Bereich Open Source GIS und Open Data im Format einer Podiumsdiskussion.
Christian Strobl received his Ph.D. in Geology from the Munich Ludwig-Maximilians University where he also teaches GIS. From 2006 on Christian was working as GIS and Remote Sensing Scientist at the German Aerospace Center. He worked mainly on the development of processing chains for remote sensing applications, the application of FireBIRD data for natural hazards and the development of CODE-DE, the national Copernicus Platform for Germany. Now he works as Geographical Information Officer at the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment, where he is, among other things, responsible for the coordination of INSPIRE and Copernicus affairs.