Timo Homburg
Researcher in Geospatial Semantics at Mainz University of Applied Sciences interested in standardization, semantic web technologies. Part of the OGC GeoSPARQL working group.
The SPARQL Unicorn Ontology documentation: Exposing RDF geodata using static GeoAPIs
Florian Thiery, Timo Homburg
We introduce the ontology documentation feature of the SPARQLing Unicorn QGIS Plugin, allowing the conversion of RDF data dumps to static HTML deployments with static versions of well-known APIs such as OGC API Features. Contents of RDF data are deployed interoperably accessible for many research communities. Our talk shows the tool's motivation, conversion process with test datasets, discusses limitations, standardization issues and future developments of this approach in general.
Daten, Datenbanken und Datenprozessierung
Hörsaal 4 (A.013)