Berit Mohr

Berit is a GIS Consultant within the Digital Innovation Unit at the GFA Consulting Group GmbH in Hamburg. GFA is a company working in the development cooperation sector. Donors are typically governments, development banks etc. Berit has a background in Geology, Environmental Science and GIS and Remote Sensing. She has worked across sectors including Academia, Local government, international government and start-ups. Her passion is in using GIS and EO to make data visible and understandable for everyone. In her spare time Berit loves to be out hiking, in the garden and be part of the natural environment.


QGIS Plugin: What's the impact of my installed dam on the vegetation around it?
Berit Mohr

Woher weiß ich, dass die Vegetation sich regeneriert augrund von meines installierten Dammes? In diesem Vortrag werde ich den QGIS Plugin vorstellen, den wir im Rahmen eines Projektes in Äthiopien für die Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) entwickelt haben.

Rasterdaten und Fernerkundung
Hörsaal 2 (Ditze H016)