fwd:cloudsec 2023

fwd:cloudsec 2023

Brandon Sherman 👾

Brandon has been working in cloud security for long enough, he remembers when it was possible to know all the services AWS had (it did require counting on his fingers and toes). Currently, he is on the Security team at Temporal Technologies, Inc. where he is securing a system which strives to be as reliable as running water. Previously, Brandon did cloud mischief at Twilio and Intuit.

Brandon has a habit of jamming emojis into any text field he can find because it passes for an admittedly strange form of "fun". When not laying hands to keyboards, you can probably find him geeking out about — and working on — cars. After an altercation with himself, he is part mechazombie. While waiting for the future, you can find him teaching anyone who will listen they can be a "security person" too.


The Ground Shifts Underneath Us
Brandon Sherman 👾

One of the hardest parts of working in a cloud environment is the unstable ground we build on. While the APIs themselves are usually quite stable, the actual implementation of those APIs in the cloud provider's systems can— and do— frequently change. What were once safe assumptions and architectures can, and have, been broken by updates to services.

Birds-of-a-feather, business & behind-the-scenes "balk talks"
Salon C