fwd:cloudsec 2023

fwd:cloudsec 2023

Threat intelligence in the age of cloud
06-12, 17:30–18:10 (US/Pacific), Salon B

Threat Intelligence is one of the most important inputs when investigating breaches, and enables faster, better informed security decisions. However, implementing a successful threat intelligence strategy heavily depends on the feed quality and how data is cross-referenced with other intel sources. This talk highlights the challenges of building good threat intel in a cloud-based world and offers a way forward for better threat intel through collaboration. In the discussion we will present a model for evaluating cloud threat intelligence feeds, map the units of threat intelligence that are uniquely relevant to the cloud, discuss channels for sharing intel, and strategize regarding how to encourage transparency from cloud providers.
We believe this session can kick off a wider conversation to improve cloud threat intelligence.

Noam Dahan is a Senior Security Researcher at Ermetic with several years of experience in embedded security. He is a graduate of the Talpiot program at the Israel Defense Forces and spent several years in the 8200 Intelligence Corps. Noam was also a competitive debater and a World Debating Champion.

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Igal Gofman is Director of Security Research at Ermetic. Igal has a proven track record in vulnerability research, cloud security, network security and threat intelligence. His research interests include operating systems, cloud security, and Active Directory. Prior to Ermetic, Igal held roles at Microsoft, XM-Cyber, and Check Point Software Technologies. Igal’s extensive experience in security has led him to speak at conferences like Black Hat and DEFCON.