fwd:cloudsec 2023

fwd:cloudsec 2023

Tales From the Sewer: A plumber’s view of building a data security platform
06-13, 08:50–09:10 (US/Pacific), Salon B

Over the last four years Open Raven has been building a data security platform for the cloud. During that time I have been tasked as the Head of Operations to not just run the platform but also be one of our subject matter experts. From $40,000 mistakes S3, lambda pooping out logs like rabbits, and other crazy adventures around IAM, we will dive into a number of the technical lessons learned and touch a bit on the weird edge cases that scare me.

Christopher Webber is an experienced Director of Engineering with a strong background in cloud computing, particularly with AWS. As the Director of Engineering for Product and IT Operations at Open Raven, he oversees the company's cloud infrastructure including its numerous Kubernetes clusters. Previously, Christopher managed SRE teams at Tenable and has worked with cloud platforms at Chef, Demand Media, and UC Riverside. He was also an early participant in the DevOps movement and has a deep understanding of management practices in technology organizations. In addition to his professional work, Christopher is a devoted family man and an active member of Rotary, participating in various community events, including providing music as DJ Dad at his children's events.