fwd:cloudsec 2023

fwd:cloudsec 2023

The Ins and Outs of Building an AWS Data Perimeter
06-12, 13:00–13:20 (US/Pacific), Salon B

Drawing a boundary between what’s yours and what’s not - that should be easy, right? Wrong!

In this presentation, we’ll walk through how to build an AWS Data Perimeter in an existing and complex cloud environment. How to define that boundary and audit access through it, the various guardrails at our disposal, and the bizarre exceptions you’re going to run into.

John Burgess is a cloud security engineer at Stripe, where he builds centralized security controls to maintain strong security invariants in an environment with high developer velocity. Before joining Stripe in 2021, John worked on Alexa infrastructure at Amazon. In his free time, he makes complex origami and stares wistfully out to sea.