Adrien Barchapt-Perrot
Adrien BARCHAPT-PERROT is the RedTeam leader at DIATEAM. Working in the field of offensive cybersecurity for 10 years, he is particularly interested and involved in the development of customized implants and the bypassing of defense systems.
Command & Control is a cornerstone of any attacker's infrastructure, whether they are affiliated with state actors (APTs), cybercriminals, or legitimate Red Team operators.
"Customize Your Own C&C" is a 4-hour workshop designed for those interested in quickly diving into the world of Command & Control design and architecture, and learning how to develop their own implant using a well-known open-source framework.
In this bring-your-own-laptop workshop, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the architecture and design of a well-known open-source framework as an example. They will also receive a comprehensive, hands-on introduction to designing a simple custom implant. This will involve working with two already prepared virtual machines and culminating in the creation of their own integrated x64 implant (utilizing a C++/Python wrapper)