Workshop: Computer Science for Biodiversity (CS4BIODiversity)
27.09, 10:00–18:00 (Europe/Berlin), INFORMATIK: Room Alan Turing
Sprache: English

Computer Science for Biodiversity (CS4BioDiversity) Preserving biodiversity is a necessary prerequisite for achieving (almost) all of the seventeen goals for sustainable development defined by the United Nations. A better understanding of biodiversity, in turn, is a prerequisite for its preservation. Computer science can make essential contributions to this improved understanding.

The workshop CS4Biodiversity would like to show such contributions and stimulate computer science research for the conservation of biodiversity from automatic data acquisition to modern methods for data analysis and visualization to the improvement of the research data infrastructure (especially in the context of efforts to establish a national research data infrastructure).

The workshop will combine invited talks, research talks and a Software Marketplace with demos.