General AI 2
30.09.2021 , KI: Room John McCarthy
Sprache: English

An Approach to Reduce the Number of Conditional Independence Tests in the PC Algorithm
Marcel Wienöbst and Maciej Liskiewicz

Negation in Cognitive Reasoning
Claudia Schon, Sophie Siebert, and Frieder Stolzenburg

EVARS-GPR: EVent-triggered Augmented Refitting of Gaussian Process Regression for Seasonal Data
Florian Haselbeck and Dominik G. Grimm

Selective Pseudo-label Clustering
Louis Mahon and Thomas Lukasiewicz

Knowledge Graph Based Question Answering System for Financial Securities
Marius Bulla, Lars Hillebrand, Max Lübbering, and Rafet Sifa

Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images using Binary Space Partitioning
Daniel Gritzner and Jörn Ostermann

Session chair: Stefan Edelkamp