JCConf 2024


JCConf Taiwan 2024 Call for Proposals

Java Community Conference Taiwan 2024, jointly organized by TWJUG and TKUG communities, is an annual event for Java/Kotlin developers designed to foster greater interaction among developers. This year's event will take place on September 27, 2024 (Friday), at the NTUH International Convention Center.

We warmly welcome developers from all backgrounds to submit their proposals and share their valuable experiences and unique insights. Whether you are a beginner, an experienced developer, or an expert, we invite you to submit your speaking proposals. Your contributions can cover case studies, development tips, best practices, and more, helping other developers enhance their skills and solve problems. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at program@jcconf.tw.

We offer three types of sessions:

  • Standard Sessions: 45 minutes, ideal for an in-depth discussion on a specific topic.
  • Quickies: 15 minutes, suitable for sharing quick tips or insights.
  • Workshops: 3 hours, designed for hands-on practice to help participants quickly learn new technologies.

Submission topics include but are not limited to:

  • Java Programming Language: Java, Java SE, JDK, performance tuning, concurrent programming, etc.
  • Front-End Development: Practices in web development using Java frameworks (such as JSF, Vaadin) or integrating with JavaScript frameworks.
  • Cloud and Containers: Frameworks like Spring Boot/Cloud, Micronaut, Quarkus, cloud services from AWS/GCP/Azure, Kubernetes, Docker.
  • Big Data and Artificial Intelligence: Big data processing, NoSQL, machine learning, generative AI, and more.
  • JVM Ecosystem: Languages running on the JVM (like Kotlin, Scala, Clojure), and their associated tools, libraries, and best practices.
    Server-side Java: Java EE, Jakarta EE, Spring Framework, microservices, etc.
  • DevOps and Automation: CI/CD, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), monitoring, and other DevOps practices.
  • Software Craftsmanship: Agile methods, design principles, refactoring techniques, team collaboration, and other methodologies to enhance development efficiency.
  • Emerging Technologies: Developments in WebAssembly, Serverless, AIoT, etc.
  • Community and Open Source: Community involvement, open source project sharing, personal growth, and other soft topics.
  • Enterprise System Architecture (not language-specific).

Important Dates

Conference Date: September 27, 2024
Submission Deadline: June 16, 2024

This Call for Papers closed on 2024-06-17 20:00 (Asia/Taipei).