JCConf 2024

JCConf 2024

Direct Style in Scala: Conquering Concurrency with Elegance and Power
2024-09-27 , 203

The quest for simpler, more understandable concurrent programming has led languages like Kotlin, Python, C#, and TypeScript to embrace direct style constructs like coroutines and async/await. Scala is not far behind, and its upcoming direct style implementation promises to revolutionize how we tackle concurrency challenges.

In this talk, we'll dive into direct style programming in Scala 3, unlocking the potential of structured concurrency and harnessing the benefits of Project Loom in Java 21+. Discover how Scala's direct style goes beyond the capabilities of other languages, providing a seamless integration with functional programming paradigms and offering a compelling alternative to the love-hate relationship with monadic effects.

Join us to learn how to:

  • Simplify concurrent code: Write code that reads like synchronous logic, while effortlessly managing asynchronous operations.
  • Leverage structured concurrency: Ensure well-defined task lifecycles and error handling for robust concurrent applications.
  • Embrace a functional approach: Experience how direct style complements and enhances functional programming techniques in Scala.
  • Unlock new possibilities: Explore how Scala's direct style opens doors for innovative solutions in concurrent and asynchronous programming.

Whether you're a seasoned Scala developer or new to the language, this talk will equip you with the knowledge and tools to master direct style and conquer the complexities of concurrent programming with elegance and power.

張瑋修 (Walter Chang) is a long time Java/Scala developer. He specializes in architectures of the web, both in the browser and the cloud. In his spare time, he likes to explore new things and find out what makes them tick.