JCConf 2024

JCConf 2024

Functional Programming IO Demystified: Understanding Partial Application, Monads, and Effects(英文)
2024-09-27 , 402CD

In the world of functional programming, handling Input/Output (IO) is one of the most critical tasks. Pure functions and immutable data are all well and nice, but what should we do when we need to read from a database, send data over the network, or access local files?

In this talk, "Functional Programming IO Demystified: Understanding Partial Application, Monads, and Effects," we will explore these concepts using practical examples and live coding in Kotlin. Each strategy has its pros and cons, and I will illustrate them with examples from my experience working on large back-end code bases in functional Kotlin.

Key takeaways from this talk include:

A better grasp of how to design a functional programming solution for a backend.
Understanding advanced functional programming concepts, including the differences between the monadic approach and the direct-style effects approach.

Please join if you are interested or just curious about handling IO in functional programming and you will gain the knowledge to write clean, maintainable code in Kotlin as a bonus!

Uberto is a passionate programmer and Kotlin GDE with more than 20 years of experience designing and building successful software products in many industries.

He is very passionate and opinionated about how to deliver value to the business not only once but at a regular pace.

He is particularly interested in Functional Programming and Distributed Computing since they are both critical to modern software challenges.

When not coding, Uberto loves public speaking, writing and teaching programming. He published a book in 2023 about a pragmatic approach to FP (and DDD) in Kotlin (https://pragprog.com/titles/uboop/from-objects-to-functions/).

You can read his blog here: https://medium.com/@ramtop