Jeffrey Vetter
The "Julia for HPC" minisymposium aims to gather current and prospective Julia practitioners in the field of high-performance computing (HPC) from multidisciplinary applications. We invite participation from industry, academia, and government institutions interested in Julia’s capabilities for supercomputing. The goal is to provide a venue for Julia enthusiasts to share best practices, discuss current limitations, and identify future developments in the scientific HPC community.
We will showcase our efforts building Julia proxy applications, or mini apps, targeting the Summit and Frontier supercomputers. We developed XSBench.jl to simulate on-node CPU and GPU scalability of a Monte Carlo computational kernel and, and RIOPA.jl for parallel input/output (I/O) strategies. We will share the lessons learned from Julia’s fresh approach for performance and productivity as a viable language, similar to Fortran, C and C++ for high-performance computing (HPC) systems.